The Deadly Toxin or The Daily Toxin (The Daily Texan nickname)

The Daily Texan is the daily student newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin. The newspaper began as a weekly in 1900 and became a daily in 1913.
According to someone who knows the UT student counter-culture newspaper The Rag (see below), The Deadly Toxin was a nickname for The Daily Texan since at least the 1960s. The Daily Texan is accused of having a liberal slant, and in the 1980s conservative students called the newspaper The Deady Toxin or The Daily Toxin. A conservative blog named The Daily Toxin was started in March 2008.
Wikipedia: The Daily Texan
The Daily Texan is the student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin. It is entirely student-run and independent from the university. It is one of the largest college newspapers in the United States with a daily circulation of roughly 30,000 during the fall and spring semesters, and bills itself as the oldest student newspaper in the South. The Texan has won more national, regional and state awards than any other college newspaper in America, and counts 10 Pulitzer Prize winners among its former staff.
The Texan’s origins date back to 1900, when two privately owned weekly newspapers were distributed on campus — the Calendar and the Ranger. In 1904 the two papers were taken over by the student council and merged. In 1913], the student body voted to publish the paper each weekday, and the Daily Texan was born on September 14, 1913.
A number of comic strips that began in the Texan went on to have commercial success. The most notable of these is Berke Breathed’s Academia Waltz, the predecessor to Bloom County. Hepcats by Martin Wagner and Eyebeam by Sam Hurt also found continued success after their creators had left the University of Texas.
Google Groups:
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (cristobal chispas)
Date: 22 Feb 1994 14:09:21 -0600
Local: Tues, Feb 22 1994 4:09 pm
Subject: King’s X comparison
While flipping through our daily student newspaper (The Daily Toxin, er Texan), I ran across their review of _Dogman_.
Google Groups: alt.military.cadet
Newsgroups: alt.military.cadet
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 18 Nov 94 15:58:13 MST
Local: Fri, Nov 18 1994 6:58 pm
Subject: Re: Good Publicity - Rappelling at UT
In article <3aii98$>, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Mitch Cobb) writes:
>I read the Daily Texan (our campus paper, also known
>as the Daily Toxin for some of its poison-pen columns)
Google Groups: utexas.general
Newsgroups: utexas.general
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Donald L. Nash)
Date: 1995/05/10
Subject: Re: A&M/tu and the constitution?
The Deadly Toxin is a publication of UT and is read mostly be people affiliated with UT.
Subject: Roberta Peters interview
From: Roy Wood <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Roy Wood <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 07:23:57 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain
Parts/Attachments:  text/plain (24 lines)
The Daily Texan (or the Daily Toxin, as it is sometimes referred to), the newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin, has an Associated Press interview with the nightingale herself, Miss Roberta
Peters. Check it out….
Swanky Conservative 
El Gato Says:
April 2nd, 2003 at 11:48 EST
Not sure how it compares. I know that protestors at UT were peeved because the Daily Toxin/Texan seemed to give the pro-troops rally more coverage. The editor’s response to the person complaining about the coverage was something along the lines of, “You guys protest every other weekend and get plenty of coverage.”
Mac Forums
tJan 20, 2004, 10:51 AM
Sounds like someone’s a bit bitter…This is why I don’t like to trust one-sided “pseudo-news” articles. They are rather biased and uninformative. It seems to be a form of hate speech that serves to attack one group, but do nothing for any other. It comes from the left, as well as the right (although I’ve seen a lot more from the left), and it just makes me wonder how people will take any news article for granted these days, without looking at the other side.Oh well… now, to read the liberal rag know as the Daily Toxin, uh, I mean, Texan…
Google Groups: austin.general 
Newsgroups: austin.general
From: “motorblade”

Date: 21 Oct 2006 07:20:48 -0700
Local: Sat, Oct 21 2006 10:20 am
Subject: Travesty…UT’s Onion (inside daily Texan) hilarious
Pick up fridays Daily Texan for the best issue of what used to be a once a year spoof called the Deadly Toxin…now called the Travesty
The Rag Blog
21 November 2006
Daily Texan Weighs In - Spies of Texas
We called this paper the Deadly Toxin in the 1960’s. Seems they’ve awakened a little since then.
Hot Air
As a Texan, I am very disappointed and upset. Austin has always been liberal, and unfortunately, there’s just not a whole lot we can do about it - mainly because it has such a huge student population. When I went to UT in the 80’s, we called the “The Daily Texan” the campus newspaper, “The Daily Toxin” because it was so radically left. The left, socialist point of view was (and still is) very pervasive on campus. I was somewhat immune to it because I was in the College of Business, so most of my profs were relatively conservative.
Anyway, typical Austin b.s., in my opinion.
pullingmyhairout on April 6, 2007 at 2:00 PM
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
From 1997-1999, I was a cartoonist on both the comics and editorial pages for the Daily Texan, the student newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin. The Deadly Toxin, as it was widely known, was a fairly “big” paper with a daily circulation (on weekdays) of around 25,000 copies.
Contributed by Windell on Sunday, April 08 2007 @ 03:06 PM PDT
Mr. Verb
Friday, April 27, 2007
Joke place names
Joe said…
And let’s not forget the newspaper names: the University of Texas’s Daily Texan was the Deadly Toxin, for example.
The Daily Toxin
Welcome All
Written by thedailytoxin on March 28, 2008 – 4:16 pm -
For years Conservative UT - Austin students have nicknamed “The Daily Texan” as the “The Daily Toxin.”  As a school newspaper it has done very little in these past years to represent all of the students at UT.  That’s why we created this blog spot.  We would like to serve as a source for news on campus that just doesn’t cater to liberal students, like our school newspaper, but stories and activities that conservatives would appreciate.  We welcome any comments or suggestions on how we as blogger and students can better this site and our campus.  We hope to begin some serious blogging within the next week!
Hook’em Horns,
Betsy Ross
Telecaster Guitar Forum - What is your newspaper’s nickname?     
June 6th, 2008, 06:34 PM
Alternately “The Spaceman”. The Daily Texan (UT student paper) used to be “The Deadly Toxin”.
The Daily Texan
Larry Liberty
posted 6/07/08 @ 1:29 AM CST
All in all, this will be a very fun election cycle. And I’m looking forward to more articles from the non-partisan Daily Toxin editorial staff, er.. I mean “Daily Texan” instructing Obama on what he must do to be elected.