“The cure for everything but death” (black seed oil or Nigella Sativa)

Black seed oil (Nigella Sativa) is often said to be “the cure for everything but/except death.”
“Abu Hurayra quoted Muhammad saying: ‘Utilize the black seed for without a doubt, it is a cure for all sicknesses aside from death.’ (Hadith Al-Bukhari 7:591)” was printed in the Wikipedia article “Prophetic medicine.” “1620 T. SHELTON tr. Cervantes’ Don Quixote II. lxiv. There is a remedy for everything but death, said Don Quixote” was printed in Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (2008) by Jennifer Speake. “There’s a cure for everything except death” was spoken in the classic Italian movie Bicycle Thieves (1948).
“The prophet Muhammed (the founder of Islam) talks about the Black Seed, that in it there’s a cure for everything except death” (spoken by Denver Nuggets guard Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf) was printed in the Kenosha (WI) News on February 11, 1994. “Stupid Things That Make Me Happy: A window sign in a neighborhood shop selling medicinal herbs that reads ‘A cure for everything but death’” was Twitter by Caroline Bailey on May 5, 2010. “Comprehensive review of black cumin - cure for everything except death” was posted on Twitter by Nigella Sativa on January 6, 2011. “ok maybe I phrased that wrong..but it says Black Seed oil has a cure for everything but death” was posted on Twitter by “S” on April 14, 2011.
Wikipedia: Prophetic medicine 
Black seeds
Main article: Nigella sativa

Abu Hurayra quoted Muhammad saying: “Utilize the black seed for without a doubt, it is a cure for all sicknesses aside from death.” (Hadith Al-Bukhari 7:591)
Wikipedia: Nigella sativa
Nigella sativa (black caraway, also known as black cumin, nigella or kalonji) is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania) and western Asia (Turkey, Iran and Iraq), but naturalized over a much wider area, including parts of Europe, northern Africa and east to Myanmar.
13 February 1883, The Watchman and Southron (Sumter, SC), pg. 3, col. 2:
Sancho Panza

Says, there is a cure for everything except death, but the world has been long about finding a cure for many things. Norman’s Neutralizing Cordial fills the bill in one respect, as it cures all disorders of the stomach and bowels.
IMDb (The Internet Movie Database)
Bicycle Thieves (1948)

Antonio Ricci: “There’s a cure for everything except death.”
11 February 1994, Kenosha (WI) News, “Slumping Nugget not taking Tourette medicine” by Dave Krieger, pg. 26, col. 5:
“The prophet Muhammed (the founder of Islam) talks about the Black Seed, that in it there’s a cure for everything except death. We as Muslims believe in taking the natural herbs. Herbs are good for you.”
(Spoken by Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, a point guard for the Denver Nuggets basketball team.—ed.)
20 July 2007, Taranaki Daily News (New Plymouth, New Zealand), “An ode to finocchio” by Abbie Jurie, pg. 7:
Indeed, Mohammed is alleged to have said of nigella sativa, “In it is a cure for everything except death.”
Google Books
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
By Jennifer Speake
New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Pg. ?:
There is a REMEDY for everything except death
Cf. medieval L. contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis, against the evil of death there is no remedy in the garden.
c1430 J. LYDGATE Dance of Machabree (EETS) 1. 432 Agens deeth is worth [useful] no medicine.
1573 J. SANFORDE Garden of Pleasure 52 There is a remedie for all things, sauing for death.
1620 T. SHELTON tr. Cervantes’ Don Quixote II. lxiv. There is a remedy for everything but death, said Don Quixote; for tis but hauing a Barke ready at the Sea side, and in spite of all the world we may embarke our selues.
There is a cure for everything except death - Italian Proverbs
3:22 AM · Jul 4, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Joe’s My Prez
A tutto c’è rimedio, fuorchè alla morte.
English translation: There is a cure for everything except death.
6:13 PM · Jul 23, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Caroline Bailey
Stupid Things That Make Me Happy: A window sign in a neighborhood shop selling medicinal herbs that reads “A cure for everything but death.”
11:44 PM · May 5, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Nigella Sativa
Comprehensive review of black cumin - cure for everything except death: http://dld.bz/9xvh
11:24 AM · Jan 6, 2011·SocialOomph
S@Saf_D·Apr 14, 2011
@Haj_Ra ok maybe I phrased that wrong..but it says Black Seed oil has a cure for everything but death..
Dr. Mercedes, LAT, ATC
I just read, “Allah made a cure for everything but death.” Soooo where’s the cure for cancer?
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT being disrespectful.
11:48 PM · Jun 3, 2011·Twitter Web Client
Dallas Smith@smithbend·Oct 10, 2011
Replying to @runlikeacoyote
@runlikeacoyote Take heart; you’ll find it again. There’s a cure for everything but death - Don Quixote
Tuhfah تحفة
Black seed the cure for everything but death!  http://instagr.am/p/V-Lgp/
10:15 AM · Nov 26, 2011·Instagram
Google Books
Down at the Deep End / Poems & Drawings
By Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore
Philadelphia, PA: The Ecstatic Exchange,
Pg. 115:
“There’s a cure for everything but death” — Hadith of the Prophet (salla ‘llahu alayhi wa sallam)
Dr. Azhar Farooqui
Allah has created a cure for everything but death: Hint-Bee venom may kill HIV virus & spare surrounding cell- http://medicalnewstoday.com/articles/257437.php
6:11 AM · Apr 19, 2013·Twitter for Android
Nigella Sativa…....black seeds
are said to be able to cure… http://fb.me/1BHEuV5zz
5:57 PM · Aug 27, 2013·Facebook
#black #cumin #seed #cure for everything but #death ♥♥ #prophetmuhammad #sallAllahualeyhiswassalam http://instagram.com/p/eJ4pBQH58q/
4:57 AM · Sep 12, 2013·Instagram
‘Hold onto the use of the black seed as it is a cure for everything but death itself ’ - Prophet Muhammed عليه السلام
7:23 AM · Nov 15, 2013·Twitter for iPhone
Patricia M. Kelley
Black Seed-called the cure for everything but death. Excellent article on its affect on numerous cancers, as well… http://fb.me/7kOhjOyTc
11:55 AM · Jan 4, 2015·Facebook
‘Cure for everything but death’
Here are Top 10 of the many health benefits of Black Cumin Seeds.
(An illustration is shown.—ed.)
10:02 AM · May 20, 2015·Hootsuite
Ceres Fair Food 
Each week Alex, Fair Food‘s grocery buyer, sends me a note about the new things we’re getting into the webstore (which BTW you can always find here – New Products).  Anyway this week Alex noted beside newly the arrived Black Seed Oil , “This cures everything but death!”  Now Alex is not normally prone to overstating things so her claim for the miraculous healing power of Black Seed Oil intrigued me.
I’ve heard of Black Cumin, Black Sesame and Blackstrap Molasses but I’ve never heard of Black Seed Oil. So I went searching and learned that Alex’s quote is actually attributed to the prophet Mohammed who apparently was a big fan.
Faithful To Nature
Black cumin oil, a “cure for everything but death” http://ow.ly/KGmi304er1f . Buy some at for your family at #FTN—> http://ow.ly/vMYO304eqWM
3:52 AM · Sep 15, 2016·Hootsuite
The Healthy Epicurean
Black cumin seed: the cure for everything except death
Posted on April 3, 2017
The prophet Mohammed stated in his Hadith that black cumin cures every illness except death. The use of black cumin seed, also known as nigella seed (nigella sativa), originated in Ancient Egypt where it was reputedly used by Queen Nefertiti and Cleopatra and traces of the oil were found in Tutankhamen’s tomb.
23 November 2017, Gulf News (Dubai), “Kerala scientist blends Arabic, Indian medicines for global market,” pg. ?:
“The healing powers of black cumin has been known for centuries to the Arab world, and it is known to be a cure for everything but death. It stimulates metabolism, fights asthma and is an anti-oxidant, among others,” says Majeed.
Replying to @L0standDc and @WorldsTraders
Cumin and Kalonji are different kind of seeds ...Cumin is Zeera and Kalonji seeds which are black seeds call Nigella seeds ....in Nigella seeds there is cure for everything but death.
4:47 AM · Mar 24, 2020·Twitter for iPad
Muhammad Shaheed
Replying to @BrOmarChatila
I aware of the authentic hadith on black seed being a ” cure for everything but death” but I’ve been told about The Prophet ﷺ using black seed daily. I haven’t found anything yet, is this authentic?
4:21 PM · May 8, 2020·Twitter for Android
Replying to @Reuters
The black pill is a treatment for the Coronavirus, and the Prophet Muhammad mentioned it to Muslims as a cure for everything but death
#Saudi #American
8:34 PM · Jul 7, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Yusuf Overseas Ltd.
Kalonji oil is known for its wide range of benefits.
Phophet Mohamed S.A.W. stated that Kalonji Oil is
“The cure for everything but death.”
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11:07 AM · Sep 18, 2020·Twitter Web App
Optimal Healing Remedies
What Do You Know About Black Seed Oil? Is It Really The Cure For Everything But Death? #blackseedoil, #blackcuminoil, #ImmuneSystem, #immunityboosters, #weightloss, #Healing
Black Seed Oil: 7 Incredible Uses and Benefits - Optimal Healing Remedies
Black Seed Oil – Commonly known as black cumin, black onion seeds, kalonji, Roman coriander, fennel flower, nigella, or black caraway, black seed oil has
8:14 AM · Jul 25, 2021·Twitter Web App
Nigella Sativa seeds, long used from the ancient lands of Egypt are quite remarkable.
An Indian saying ” they are a cure for everything except death”.
As the Bond yeilds curves rise globally, watch the death toll rises from the PLANdemic.
Mars & Saturn control both.
3:05 AM · Nov 5, 2021·Twitter for Android
Replying to @DCGreenZone1
The cure for everything but death.
Just a note: Black seed oil (N. Sativa) should be cold pressed, organic, and refrigerated in a dark bottle. (It goes rancid in the heat and light.)
12:25 AM · Nov 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone