“The Christian Right is neither”

“The Christian Right is neither” (sometimes put in quotes as “The ‘Christian Right’ is neither”) is a slogan that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers. The saying was written by the musician Moby in the liner notes to his album, Everything Is Wring (1995). The saying implies that conservative Christian fundamentalists are neither Christian nor right (meaning “correct,” although they are politically “right”).
“The Christian Right is neither” was printed on buttons in 1995 and appeared on bumper stickers soon afterward.
Wikipedia: Moby
Richard Melville Hall (born September 11, 1965), better known by his stage name Moby, is an American musician, DJ, and photographer. He is well known for his sample-based electronic music, his vegan lifestyle and support of animal rights.
Wikipedia: Everything Is Wring
Everything Is Wrong is the third studio album by American electronica musician Moby, released in 1995. The album was Moby’s first acclaimed electronica album, but true mainstream success did not come about until the release of his 1999 album, Play.

Everything Is Wrong was released with a limited edition bonus disc of ambient music, Underwater, 43:07 in length.

Inside the album’s booklet, Moby provides two personal essays, quotes from famous persons (from Albert Einstein to St. Francis of Assisi), and facts that he has collected (e.g. regarding animal experiments).
19 November 1994, Gettysburg (PA) Times, “Reporter’s notebook” New coalition in control, government of people…” by Robert Holt, pg. 4A, col. 1:
Watch Specter counter Gingrich with warnings about “the far right fringe” that is also known as “the Christian coalition” (but is neither) or as “the Christian right” (but is neither).
25 February 1995, Garden City (KS) Telegram, “Nothing fake about Moby’s act” (AP),  pg. E11, col. 5:
A man of strong opinions, Moby has used the liner notes to the new ablum as a forum for them.
“The Christian right is neither,” he writes. “God is angry, I think. Here in the United States, vast numbers of politicians and religious leaders (the line between the two being blurry) are masquerading hate, racism, sexism and ignorance under the banner of conservative Christian values,” and so on.
30 March 1995, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, “Christian right is neither Christian nor right” by Marvin Steinmetx, pg. A15:
National politics is a dirty game. You have to learn to sling mud with the best of them, and you get dirty in the process. The Christian right is a case in point.
The Christian right of late is behaving in ways it would have condemned not long ago. For example, many Christian right radio commentators have become as uncivil and rude as their secular counterparts to advance their ideology. They too are now slandering and ridiculing all others who hold a contrary opinion to their own
6 April 1995, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, “Between Heaven and Hell: Modern musicians sing about the passion of life” by Don McLeese, pg. 5:
In extensive liner notes that reinforce the moral imperative of the album’s title, Moby writes: “the christian right is neither. god is angry, i think.”
5 November 1995, San Antonio (TX) Express-News, “Readers’ Howls at the Moon have hit home” by Susan Yerkes:‎
(At a TFA meet in Houston recently, a Methodist minister promised to get a button saying, “The Christian Right is neither.”)
7 November 1995, Washington (DC) Post, “Texans band to Thwart Religious Influence; A Political Legacy’s Crusade Against Conservative Christians in Government Attracts Clergy” by Sue Anne Pressley, pg. A3:
Some people agreed the time has come to don a stand-taking button: “The Christian Right is Neither.”
17 July 1998, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, Letters, pg. A14:
In closing, I would like to quote a bumper sticker that I recently saw: “The Christian Right is neither!”
BOOK REVIEW: “Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics”
September 7, 2011 By Carl Gregg
(Alisa Harris, Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics, 2011, 230 pages.)
As the old joke goes, the Christian Right is neither “Christian” nor “Right.” This bumper sticker humor is not to say that the Christian Right is completely wrong. Rather, as Harris’ memoir testifies, life is more complicated than one, simplistic worldview can contain.