The Bronx (Da Bronx)

"The Bronx" has an article, like "the Hague." The area used to be referenced as the towns located on "the Bronx River." The Bronx name (with the article) came up during the New York City unification plans of the 1890s.

"De Bronx" ("Da Bronx") was popularized by Edward W. Townsend's "Chimmie Fadden" Bowery dialect stories, starting in the 1890s.

(New York Public Library record)
Call # IRM (Bronx) (Bronx Board of Trade, New York. Great North Side)
Author Bronx Board of Trade (N.Y.)
Title The great north side or, Borough of the Bronx.
Imprint New York : North Side Board of Trade, 1897.

(New York Public Library record)
Call # Map Div.+++ (Bronx, New York) (Atlas of the city of New York, borough of the Bronx. 1897)
Author Bromley, George Washington.
Title Atlas of the city of New York, borough of the Bronx, 23rd & 24th wards. From actual surveys and official plans / by George W. and Walter S. Bromley.
Imprint Philadelphia : G.W. Bromley & Co., 1897.

(New York Public Library record)
Call # IRGV (Home Life Publishing Company, New York. Photographic panorama of Greater New York's most beautiful views)
Author Home Life Publishing Company (New York).
Title A photographic panorama of New York's most beautiful views : consectively arranged from the bay to the Bronx.
Imprint New York : Home Life Pub. Co., c1899.

(New York Public Library record)
Call # *C p.v.1846,no.4
Author New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Education. Buildings Committee.
Title Statement showing the necessity for a further issue of corporate stock to provide for the acquisition of sites and the erection of school buildings in the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, also schedules showing the disposition made of the school-house bonds authorized by the Legislatures of 1895, 1896 and 1897; and the sites acquired in the same years, together with the cost of buildings and improvements. Presented to Committee on Buildings by George Livingston. April 10, 1899.
Imprint [New York? 1899]

13 September 1894, New York Times, pg. 9:
The question of the Greater New-York, which is also to be submitted to the people at this coming election, involves the proposition to unite in one city the following cities, counties, and towns: New-York City, Long Island City, in Queens County; the County of Kings, (Brooklyn;) the County of Richmond, (S. I.😉 the towns of Flushing, Newtown, and Jamaica, in Queens County; the town of Westchester, in Westchester County, and all that portion of the towns of East Chester and Pelham which lies south of a straight line drawn from a point where the northerly line of the City of New-York meets the centre line of the Bronx River, to the middle of the channel between Hunter's and Glen Islands, in Long Island Sound, and that part of the town of Hempstead, in Queens County, which is westerly of a straight line drawn from the south-easterly point of the town of Flushing in a straight line to the Atlantic Ocean.

30 July 1896, New York Times, "The Borough Plan," pg. 4:
There may be a certain separateness of interests to be represented in the undeveloped suburban boroughs of Richmond, the Bronx, and Queens, but there is no such separateness in the four on this island, or the two in Kings County.

March 1895, Current Literature, "Chimmie Fadden's Music Gale" by E. W. Townsend, New York Sunday Sun, pg. 243:
"On de banks of de Bronx where me summer goil hangs out
(She's a doisy and just seventeen),
Oi chases meself when me doiy's work is done,
And Oi fishes for clams in de stream."

23 February 1913, Washington Post, pg. SM14:
"Yes, I lika make some more da mon'. I do perty good here; but no can sava moch. My wife an' me, we joost pay twelfa hunded dollar on a house in da Bronx. Dat's all we sava since we coma to America," replied Sullivan, thinking the poorer he seemed the more generous his benefactor might be.