“The best gun is the one you have with you”

People who carry a handgun for protection often want to know if they’re carrying the correct weapon. “The best gun is the one you have with you” is a popular saying. “The best handgun is the one you have with you when death comes to call” was cited in print in 1993. “IMHO the absolute best gun is the one you have with you that goes *bang*” was cited in 1994.
“The best camera is the one that’s with you,” “The best exercise is the one you will do” and “The best vaccine is the one you can get now” are similar sayings.
Google Groups: rec.motorcycles
New Aerostich just arrived…
Lou Montgomery (214+464-1049)
Reminds me of what my firearms instructor once said in response to a question as to what is the best firearm one should have.  His answer was “The best handgun is the one you have with you when death comes to call.” Applies, to some degree, to protective clothing also it seems. 
Google Groups: misc.survivalism
Judith Becker
IMHO the absolute best gun is the one you have with you that goes *bang*
You can argue calibers,weights,stopping power etc. until the cows come home The simple fact is If you have one (the most important detail) you can and will taylor everything else to fit.
Google Groups: misc.survivalism
Weapon Advice
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However, let me preface the rest of this post by saying this :
The best handgun is the one you have with you.  This means that you should look at guns that fit your hand, are comfortable for you to carry (don’t weigh much or are of a concealable size) and you can shoot accurately.
Google Books
Women & Guns
Volume 14
Pg. 22:
Remember, “the best gun is the one you have with you.”
Google Books
Personal Defense for Women:
Practical Advice for Self Protection

By Gila Hayes
Iola, WI: Krause Publications, Inc.
Pg. ?:
I asked the same question ofretired cop and fellow gun writer Charles Petty, and thought he summed it up best when he said, “The best handgun is the one you have with you when you need it.”
Google Books
777 Bon Mots for Gunslingers and Other Real Men
By Dale A. Raby
Bloomington, IN: Booktango
Pg. ?:
The best gun is the one you have, not the one you wish you had.
What you need to know before choosing a holster for concealed carry
8/22/14 | by Kenny Hatten
With that in mind, she has decided to try a Kel-Tec P3AT, which has a neat little pocket clip, enabling her to carry on-body with little or no discomfort and very little danger of printing. It’s not her first choice of carry guns, but she recognized the value of the old saying, “the best pistol is the one you have with you.”