
A “Texian” was a term used in 1835 and years thereafter for what is called a “Texan” today. “Texian” is almost never used today and is of historical interest.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
Texian, a. and n.
Now rare.
[f. TEX(AS + -IAN.] 
= TEXAN a. and n. (See also quot. 1943.)
1835 Franklin Repository (Chambersburg, Pennsylvania) 8 Dec. 1/6 Volunteers are moving from almost every section of the west to the assistance of the Texians.
1836 D. B. EDWARD Hist. Texas 45 The Texian farmer of the Gulf coast. Ibid. 74 [It] adds to the variety of a Texian landscape.
1943 Sat. Even. Post 11 Sept. 61 Texians are the old rock; Texans, a term which came into use only after the Civil War, are those out of the old rock; the people who live in Texas are those who are wearing the old rock away.
7 September 1835, National Banner and Nashville Whig (TN), pg. 2:
The following extract of a letter from Judge Chambers to Dr. Miller, explains the matter fully and has had the effect of quieting all apprehension on the part of the Texians,...
9 October 1835, Peoples Press (Gettysburg, PA), pg. 2, col. 4:
The schooner San Felippe had sailed from the port on the 25th of last month, for Brassoria with Col. Stephen Austin, and other Texians;...
3 November 1835, Southern Patriot (SC), “Latest from Texas,” pg. 2:
...and on being refused they attacked the town, but were repulsed with the less of 30 or 40 killed or wounded, none being killed on the part of the Texians
20 November 1835, Peoples Press (Gettysburg, PA), pg. 3, col. 3:
We have learned that a letter of the 12th inst. from Brazoria, was received last evening in which it is stated, that the Texian forces under Gen. Houston had taken the town of San Antonio or Bexaro with 1000 men under his command.