Texecution (Texecuted)

There are legal executions of criminals in Texas. Some people have used the term “Texecution” (“Texas” + “execution”) or “Texecuted” (“Texas” + “executed”). The term is often capitalized—like “Texas”—but also appears without capitalization. “Texecution” dates from about 1997.
Urban Dictionary
To be executed in the state of Texas.
Five men were Texecuted this year by lethal injection.
by Franek Jones Poland Jun 11, 2007
Google Groups: alt.activism.death.penalty   
Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
From: User

Date: 1997/04/15
Subject: Re: Fifth TEXecution of 1997
>HUNTSVILLE, Texas, April 14 (UPI)—Texas prison officials have
>executed Billy Joe Woods by injection, completing the state’s fifth
>execution of the year with little fanfare.
>Woods’ niece, Melissa Woods, sobbed and had to be supported during the
>execution. She appeared near collapse and was helped from the viewing
>chamber by Woods’ attorney Paul Looney.
Another new victim. just great.
Like the pun “Texecution”, that could end up in the dictionary yet.
Google Groups: alt.tasteless
Newsgroups: alt.tasteless
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Conradin)
Date: 1997/06/13
Subject: Re: Texas and Executions!
Getting back to the subject, they should call the PPV show “Texecution!” 
Google Groups: alt.music.cheap-trick
Newsgroups: alt.music.cheap-trick
From: “Mark Mathu” .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 1999/02/27
Subject: Re: Such terrible news today (0% CT). Discussion?
>One good thing:  Texas does NOT f*ck around with idiots like these.  If
>they’re found guilty, they’re toast.
“Texecuted,” so to speak.
Austin Chronicle
February 21, 2003; NEWS
As Texas heads toward its 300th lethal injection in modern times, opposition to the Texecution Express emerged from a most unlikely quarter—within the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
Weapons of Mass Deception: 07/11/2004-07/18/2004
George Bush is a mass murderer. While Governer of Texas until 2000 he killed more than 200 offenders on death row. http://www.texecutions.com/texecuted.html