Texas Triangle (Dallas, Houston, San Antonio)

National Basketball Association teams often speak of the tough “Texas Triangle” road trip against the Dallas Mavericks, Houston Rockets and San Antonio Spurs. The term “Texas Triangle” was used by the Missouri Pacific Railroad as early as the 1930s, but the term became popular in the NBA in the early 1990s.
The “Texas Triangle” is also sometimes called the “Golden Triangle” or “Texas Trifecta” or “Texas Three-Step.”
Google Books
Gordon McLendon: The Maverick of Radio
by Ronald Gray
Pg. 102:
Since the 1930s broadcasters had been hoping to complete the elusive “Texas Triangle.” Now, with stations in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Gordon and B. R. had formed that triangle.
Google Groups: rec.sport.basketball.pro
Newsgroups: rec.sport.basketball.pro
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Tri Tran)
Date: 15 Jul 93 19:57:31 GMT
Local: Thurs, Jul 15 1993 2:57 pm
Subject: Re: Follow up to previous comments…
>team in the league.  We seem to own the best midwestern teams like Utah
>and San Antonio and we’re pretty even with Houston.  Even though Dallas
>now sucks, virtually nobody sweeps the texas triangle road trip, and
>we’ve done it a couple of times, and nearly did it a third.
9 May 1936, Galveston (TX) Daily News, pg. 13, col. 13, col. 8:
Faster schedules in the Southwest, including the inauguration of three new services, were announced today by the Missouri Pacific Railroad, effective May 17.
Included in the changes are a new section of the Sunshine Special to give overnight service for the first time from St. Louis and Memphis to Texas; a new train, the Texas Triangle, to link Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio; ...
13 March 1977, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Travel, pg. 13, col. 7 ad:
15 Exciting Days
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