Texas Room (family room)

A “Texas room” is real estate talk for a “family room” or “game room,” or perhaps any room in the house that’s large.
Real-estate advertising has language all its own
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Michele Derus
New terms are being born and bred in different parts of the country all the time, sometimes creating border-crossing problems.

Take the Florida room, for instance, which Seramur said is a phrase for “a very casual sunroom, bright and cheerful, generally with a lot of glass.”

The same type room in the Southwest is called an Arizona room, she said.

Nearer to the Pacific Ocean, “It is called a California room,” Berrier said. But in his home state, “Any big family room or game room is called a Texas room. Why they don’t all just call it family room, I don’t know.”

It might be the same reason that one man’s pond is another man’s tank.

“You’re looking for a place with a pond, like ducks are on? You won’t find it here,” Berrier said. “That’s because in Texas, it’s called a tank.”
The hall emptied into the family room where I stopped and sighed.  This was our “Texas Room” and where we spent most of our time.