Texas Pecan Pie

Pecan pie has been a Texas regional specialty for over 100 years. The following citations help explain its origin.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
pecan, n.
1901 T. P. MARSHALL Lone Star Cook Bk. 49 Texas *Pecan Pie. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 1-2 cup chopped pecans, 3 eggs, 1 tb. flour. Bake and spread meringue on top. 1989 C. R. WILSON & W. FERRIS Encycl. Southern Culture 41/1 Pecans have contributed..to the culinary aspects of southern life, from pralines..to..the ubiquitous pecan pie.
6 February 1886, Harper’s Bazaar, pg. 95:
(reprinted in)
6 February 1886, Texas Siftings, pg. 3:
Is not only delicious, but is capable of being made “a real state pie,” as an enthusiastic admirer said. The pecans must be very carefully hulled, and the meat thoroughly freed from any bark or husk. When ready, throw the nuts into boiling milk, and let them boil while you are preparing a rich custard. Have your pie plates lined with good pastry and when the custard is ready, strain the milk from the nuts and add them to the custard. A meringue may be added, if liked, but very careful baking is necessary.
K.K.K. Cook Book
by the “Kute Kooking Klub,”
Honey Grove, Texas
Cincinnati: Press of the Robert Clarke Company
Pg. 79:
Pecan Cake.
One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, four cups of flour, one cup of sweet milk, whites of eight eggs, one heaping teaspoon baking powder. Flour one pint of pecan kernels, stir into batter, bake in a slow oven.
23 January 1898, Dallas Morning News, pg. 6:
Texas Pecan Pie.
Tiaga, Grayson Co., Tex., Jan. 21.—(To The News.)—Knowing that The News is strictly for Texas and for Texas enterprises, and thinking that it might be of interest to many Texas kitchen queens, I herewith inclose you a copy of the recipe for making what I have decided to call in honor of the great Lone Star state, “The Texas Pecan Pie.”
Having never seen it in any paper or cook book I have read, and failing to find any one who had ever eaten it, I feel justified in claiming to be its originator and the right to christen it.
It is a most delicious pie—an instant favorite with all who have eaten it at my table. It is my desire that it may be added to the long list of delicacies Texas cooks are so greatly noted for preparing, and I want every lady to test its merits and I will be glad if they let me know of their success or failure in making it.
The Texas pecan pie—One cup sugar, one cup sweet milk, one-half cup pecan kernels chopped fine, three eggs, one tablespoonful flour. When cooked spread the well-beaten whites of two eggs on the top, brown and sprinkle a few of the chopped kernels over it. Above is for one pie.
July 1898. Ladies’ Home Journal, pg. 32:
Texas Pecan Pie. Mrs. M. B. sends the following receipt: One cup of sugar, one cup of sweet milk, half a cup of pecan kernels chopped fine, three eggs and a tablespoonful of flour. When cooked, spread the well-beaten whites of two eggs on top, brown, sprinkle a few of the chopped kernels over. These quantities will make one pie.
The Lone Star Cook Book
Published by the Ladies’ of the Dallas Free Kindergarten and Training School,
Dallas, Texas
Copyrighted August 15, 1901, by Mrs. T. P. Marshall, Dallas, Texas
Pg. 49:
1 cup sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 1-2 cup chopped pecans, 3 eggs, 1 tb. flour. Bake and spread meringue on top.