Texas Outhouse (Texas Roadhouse nickname)

Texas Roadhouse is a chain restaurant, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. The restaurant has been nicknamed “Texas Outhouse” since at least 2004.
Another nickname of Texas Roadhouse is “Texas Roadkill.”
Wikipedia; Texas Roadhouse
Texas Roadhouse is a chain restaurant that specializes in steaks and promotes a western theme. Texas Roadhouse Corporation is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. The first restaurant was opened in Clarksville, Indiana, in 1993 at the Green Tree Mall across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky. The chain operates about 320 (July, 2009) locations in 46 states. It is known for its free buckets of peanuts at each table.
Taste of Home Community Forum
02-29-2004 11:09 AM
It sounds like the Texas Roadhouse here. DH calls it the Texas Outhouse.
25 February 2007, 10:24
Of course anyone who even contemplates Cracker Barrel (or White Trash Barrel) needs to have their culinary tastes examined. Same for Denny’s and Texas Roadhouse (or Texas Outhouse, as my kids call it).
Ernie Ball Forums
08-22-2007 08:23 AM    
Lots of people, I’d think, but we’ll be at the Texas Outhouse (okay, okay, it’s the Roadhouse) for sort of a public rehearsal in case anyone ever pays us to play again.
Down on the Farm
monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend
ter the “show” and being thankful we were in the middle of the three tiered bleachers (we were kept reasonably warm by bodies that surrounded us) we went to “The Texas Outhouse”. When that establishment first came to town I couldn’t remember the correct name, “Texas….......“HUMMM, the name is gone again. You probably know what it is. (While proof reading this I remembered, “Texas Roadhouse”)
Feb. 23, 2011
We joke and call it The Texas Outhouse.