Texas North or Texas of the North or North Texas (Alberta province nickname)

The Canadian province of Alberta is often compared with Texas. The “Texas of Canada” is rich in oil reserves, has many ranches, has a love of rodeo (the Calgary Stampede), has plenty of cattle, grows wheat, is politically conservative, and has large cities (Edmonton, Calgary) but also plenty of wide, open spaces. The “Texas of Canada” nickname dates to at least the 1930s and 1940s, but became more frequent in the 1980s when the province’s oil wealth was realized. 
“Texas of the North” and “Texas North” and “North Texas” were used by the 1950s.
Wikipedia: Alberta
Alberta (IPA: /ælˈbɝtə/) is one of Canada’s prairie provinces. It became a province on September 1, 1905.
Alberta is located in Western Canada, bounded by the provinces of British Columbia to the west and Saskatchewan to the east, Northwest Territories to the north, and by the U.S. state of Montana to the south. Alberta is one of two provinces (the other being New Brunswick) to border only a single U.S. state. It is also one of two provinces that are land-locked (the other being Saskatchewan).
The capital city of Alberta is Edmonton, located just south of the centre of the province. Calgary is a major distribution and transportation hub as well as being one of Canada’s major commerce centres. Edmonton is the primary supply and service hub for Canada’s oil sands and other northern resource industries. According to recent population estimates, these two metropolitan areas have now both exceeded 1 million people, Calgary being slightly more populous than Edmonton. 
Wikipedia: Politics of Alberta
Albertan politics have typically been characterized as substantially more right-wing than those of any other Canadian province, granting it the nickname “Texas of Canada” or “Texas North”.
Time magazine
Texas of the North
Monday, Sep. 24, 1951
A tall, feathery column of black spray shot into the air and a throaty roar echoed over the grainfields outside Edmonton. Within minutes, a bumper-to-bumper line of cars was moving out of the city along the westbound Jasper highway, heading for the new Acheson oilfield, seven miles away. There a crowd gathered to relish a familiar but stirring sight. Alberta’s newest oil well was blowing in wildly, gushing up 200 feet and spitting blobs of copper-black crude for half a mile around.
Rampaging wells and eager people are signs of the times in booming Alberta. All Canada has expanded amazingly since World War II; discoveries of iron ore, nickel, copper, uranium and titanium are cracking open a dozen new frontiers. But the biggest boom of all is in Alberta’s oil, the most significant new find on the continent since Texas’ Spindletop roared in, 50 years ago.

Time magazine
The Indispensable Ally
Monday, Feb. 04, 1952
A growing share of North America’s oil and natural gas from the new-found Alberta fields, the “Texas of the North.”
25 May 1953, Lethbridge Herald, “Texans Arrive To Take Look at ‘Texas of North,’” pg. 18, col. 3:
EDMONTON—(CP)—A party of 100 Texas farmers, ranchers and business men arrived here by rail Saturday for their first look at the “Texas of the north.”
Decked out in 10-gallon hats, plaid shirts and high-heeled boots, the Texans went on a day-long bus tour of the city and surrounding districts, including the oil fields, industrial areas, packing plants and farms. 
Google Books
Canada in the Classroom: 
Content and Strategies for the Social Studies
by William W. Joyce
Washington, DC: National Council of Social Studies
Pg. 31:
The leader, for the time being, has been Alberta, which is sometimes called “Texas North” because of the presence of so many petroleum technicians who have come there from the American southwest.
Google Books
Government Response to Financial Constraints:
Budgetary Control in Canada
by L. R. Jones and Jerry L. McCaffery
New York, NY: Greenwood Press
Pg. 153:
Alberta has been called Texas north as a result of the influx of US oil men.
Little Green Footballs
#173 yochanan 11/28/05 11:09:54 pm
canukistan with aprox 30 million people has 4 parties (well can the NDP be called a partie?) Up until recently they had 5 parties but the two consertive parties (by canukistan standards) have been united to one party. The right wing of this party is like the American Republican party and mostly based in Alberta (North Texas due to it having lots of oil and cowboys) the left wing of this party aka ‘red’ tories is pretty much like the ‘dlc’ in the democrat party.
18 May 2006, Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), “Stakes are high for rapper” by Robert Everett-Green:
He’s already got the next one well under way. It’s going to be a concept dance album, called Urban Sprawl in North Texas. “North Texas is what I call Alberta sometimes.”
Dave’s ESL Cafe - Forums
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:39 am
Alberta itself is called Texas North (mostly in a derogatory sort of a way) and that makes Calgary Houston North or Little Houston. 
Conservative Canadian Provinces - Forums
Conservative Canadian
15 Dec 2007, 5:24 PM
The entire province of Alberta could easily be considered a red state.  Its rich in oil, and is widely called “Texas North” up here in Canada.