Texas Manhattan (cocktail)

A “Manhattan” cocktail is whiskey and vermouth. This “Texas Manhattan” is a little different. The Jamisons are given credit for this drink.
Texas Home Cooking
by Cheryl Alters Jamison and Bill Jamison
Boston: Harvard Common Press
Pg. 496:
This is our favorite bourbon drink.
1/4 cup crushed ice
1 1/4 ounces dry vermouth
2 dashes of bitters
3 ice cubes
2 1/2 ounces prime bourbon or sour-mash whiskey
1 fresh cherry
Put crushed ice into a 4-ounce cocktail glass. Stir in the vermouth and bitters, and swirl the mixture around the glass with an absorbed look on your face.

After 5-10 seconds, swirl everything in the glass down the sink. Put the 3 ice cubes in the glass and fill it with the bourbon. Pop the cherry into your mouth with the satisfaction of a born bartender, and then sip away.