“Texas Is Calling, Your Opportunity Awaits”

Texas Governor Rick Perry (a Republican) promoted businesses to come to his state in 2013 by taking his message to blue states (Democratic), where taxes were high. Television advertising buys of $1 million were paid for by TexasOne and sponsored by TexasWideOpenForBusiness.com.
The advertised slogan was, “Texas is Calling, Your Opportunity Awaits.”
The State of Texas, Office of the Governor—Rick Perry
Texas is Calling, Your Opportunity Awaits
Gov. Perry to recruit employers in Connecticut and New York; launches TV ad campaign

Monday, June 10, 2013 •  Austin, Texas •  Press Release
AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry will take Texas’ economic success story to Connecticut and New York Sunday, June 16 through Thursday, June 20, to meet with business leaders in the firearm, pharmaceutical and financial industries. Ahead of the governor’s trip, two 30-second TV spots began running statewide today in Connecticut and New York, showcasing the opportunities and freedom available to families and businesses thanks to Texas’ healthy economy.
The TV ads feature Texans from all walks of life - from small business owners and doctors, to top researchers and filmmakers - and will run on several major cable stations, including CNBC, FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, ESPN and the Discovery Channel. The week-long, $1 million TV ad buy and the governor’s trip are paid for by TexasOne - no state tax dollars will be used for his travel and accommodations, or for the ad buy.
Additionally, a New York-targeted section has been created on http://www.texaswideopenforbusiness.com/ to help businesses learn more about the Lone Star State’s low taxes, smart regulations, fair courts and skilled workforce. The governor will host receptions in Connecticut and New York for some of the business leaders who contact the Governor’s Office through TexasWideOpenForBusiness.com while the ads are running.
According to the Tax Foundation, Texas is one of the top 10 best state tax climates, while New York ranks last. Texas has no personal income tax, while New York levies a personal income tax ranging from 4 percent to 8.8 percent.
TexasOne is a public-private partnership that markets Texas nationally and internationally as a prime business destination.
To view the TV ads, please visit http://www.texaswideopenforbusiness.com/opportunity/
Texas is Calling
Governor Perry
Published on Jun 10, 2013
Texas is Calling
NPR—it’s all politics
Rick Perry’s War On The Blue States
by Elise Hu
June 12, 2013 9:35 AM
Gov. Rick Perry’s outsized Texas swagger is coming to the heart of blue state America.
As part of his ongoing effort to lure new business to the Lone Star State, next week the conservative Republican governor and former presidential candidate is taking his economic development road show to New York and Connecticut — two solidly Democratic states whose politics couldn’t be any more different than Texas’.
The visit follows earlier incursions this spring in two other noted Democratic strongholds, Illinois and California, where Perry also preached a low-tax, anti-regulation message that runs counter to the ethos of the dominant local political culture.
So far, Perry’s TexasOne team, a coalition of corporations and chambers of commerce, has launched $1 million worth of commercials on blue state TVs, blasting the slogan, “Texas is calling. Your opportunity awaits.”