Texas Heart Shot (hunting shot)

A “Texas heart shot” is a hunting term for shooting at the tail (buttocks region) of the animal. The femoral artery is aimed for, with a bullet (or arrow) penetrating the length of an animal and reaching the heart or lung area.
The “Texas heart shot” (cited in print since at least 1960) is disdained by most hunters; it’s a difficult shot to make successfully, and the bullet’s trajectory in the animal’s body adversely affects the animal’s edible meat. The “Texas heart shot” is also called a “poop shoot” shot.
Texas heart shot
The term Texas heart shot is a euphemism used in hunting. It refers to a shot fired at the base of the tail of an animal facing directly away from the shooter. The objective of such a shot may be to break the spinal cord, break the large bones of the hips, cut the femoral artery, or have the bullet penetrate the length of the animal’s body until reaching the heart and lung area.
The shot carries many ethical concerns. It is frowned upon by many hunters; it is generally recommended only as a last resort finishing shot on a fleeing wounded animal. A shot that breaks the spine or hip should instantly kill or incapacitate an animal; however, damage to the digestive tract will likely lead to inhumane suffering and affect much of the animal’s edible meat if it is recovered.
The term “Texas heart shot” may be used in other contexts simply to refer to any gunshot wound to the buttocks region.
Petersen’s Rifle Shooter
Okay, here we go. The “Texas heart shot” is a shot at the northern end of a south-bound animal, and it is extremely controversial. If I endorse it I’ll get a flood of hate mail saying it isn’t a sporting or ethical shot; if I say it can’t be done I’ll get the same flood from folks who have used this shot to take a great trophy they otherwise wouldn’t have tagged.

Although controversial, this shot can be extremely deadly. A shot to the spine at the base of the tail will absolutely immobilize an animal; a bullet carefully placed between the hams can penetrate forward into the chest cavity; if either opportunity is slightly missed, the pelvis or thigh bone can be broken and/or the femoral artery can be cut.
The problem is that all of these situations are chancy. From a rearward angle the spine presents a very small target. The rear end in general is not a small target, but you’re banking heavily on bullet performance—in my opinion, far too much. 
23 October 1960, Dallas (TX) Morning News, section 2, pg. 7:
But he recovered with a stiff leg after 11 months in hospitals and in Walter Reed in Washington read what he should have done in the first place—forgotten that Texas heart shot and gone for the neck or spine where a bullet instantly anchors dangerous game.
Google Books
Stallion Gate
by Martin Cruz Smith
New York, NY: Random House
Pg. 29:
“No, sir, but I understand it’s called a Texas heart shot.” Augustino laughed appreciatively. “Well, Mrs. Augustine’s father shot a Mexican in the ass once ...
Google Groups: rec.hunting
Newsgroups: rec.hunting
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Dominique Morel)
Date: 18 Sep 91 12:44:07 GMT
Local: Wed, Sep 18 1991 7:44 am
Subject: Head shots
We came across a mob of about 15 pigs I shot the first saw it go down; shot a second one saw it cut in half (it was only about 600 millimetres long) and the followed the mob across a creek and I found one more shot it with a Texas heart shot (between the hams through the gut into the heart lung area, if the animal is small the bullet exits at the base of the neck).
15 February 1996, Valley Independent (Monessen, PA), pg. 1B, col. 3:
A Texas heart shot hit him square in the rump, dropping him.
Google Groups: rec.hunting
Newsgroups: rec.hunting
From: Formies (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address))
Date: 1997/06/02
Subject: Re: Dropping deer in their tracks
high lung shot just below spine is always immediate, but this is available only on broadside (or near broadside) shot. every deer i’ve heart shot has run at least 100 yards, and this is with no heart left. the texas heart shot (straight up the anus, just below tail) also is immediate with a bullet with good sectional density.
Google Groups: alt.archery
Newsgroups: alt.archery
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (AmsToots)
Date: 1998/03/12
Subject: Re: Feral hog shot placement
A “Texas Heart Shot” is shot which tries to hit the femoral artery in the rear of the leg and is not a good shot for any bowhunter. some people also refer to it as a shot up the poop shoot.  Either way you look at it don’t bother - It’s too risky.
LoneStar Outdoorsman
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:47 pm
I called in this double, shot the male at 30 yards and the female haulin’ but at 100yards straight up the poop shoot {texas heart shot} like to have never found the bullet hole! ??? 
Gun and Game Forums
02-09-2006, 07:01 AM
I heard about the Texas heart shot on an Elk that exited through its chest with that gun. The old poop-shoot shot as we call it around here.