Texas Hash

“Texas hash” contains ingredients such as hamburger, onions, peppers, and chili
10 September 1893, Washington Post, “Famous as Gastronomes: How Some Members of Congress Will Be Remembered,” pg. 9:
Mr. Sterrett is from Texas, which is all the explanation necessary. The author, however, does says that “this is a tempting dish which has been invented by that friandise journalist, Col. Bill Sterrett, of Galveston, Tex.” Mr. Murrey does know a good dish and a good newspaper man, so his words of praise must be after the fashion of those of the famous Caesar. The recipe is as follows:
Cut into dice one-quarter of an inch square two pounds of tenderloin steak of fillet of beef, and one-pound of raw potatoes. Put into a large sauce or frying pan two ounces of table butter; when hot add three ounces of chopped raw onion; when brown add the meat, potatoes, and a quart of solid tomato pulp, stir to prevent burning, and moisten occasionally with strong beef broth in stock, and season with half a teaspoonful of paprika, two tablespoonfuls of mushroom catsup, salt, and a gill of brandy; place on back of range to simmer at least two hours after the ingredients have been soaked. Serve with dry toast.
This looks very much like an improved Texas hash, and if all the boarding-houses between New York and Washington would only adopt Col. Sterrett’s tenderloin hash flavored with brandy, they might be able to impose hash on the boarders without strenuous objections.
22 February 1912, Atlanta Constitution, “Massachusetts Prison Fare Far Behind Georgia Service,” pg. 1:
Breakfast, Texas hash, bread, butter, coffee;...
27 January 1935, Syracuse (NY) Herald, third section, pg. 6:
One cup rice, 1 pound onions, 2 stalks celery, 2 cups tomato sauce, 1 pound sausages, 1 green pepper. Boil rice 20 minutes. Fry sausages. Cut onions, celery and pepper in fine pieces and fry in sausage fat. Add all together and pour tomato sauce over all. Cover with bread crumbs and bake one hour in a slow oven.
11 February 1938, Washington , pg. X17:
Texas hash is the concoction that wins the fifth prize. It is an economical dish glorfying the hamburger and was sent in by Mrs. Ira Lee Law, 921 Hamlin street northeast.
2 large onions
2 green peppers, cut fine
3 tablespoons of shortening or lard
1 pound of hamburg
2 cups of canned tomatoes
1/2 cup of uncooked rice
1 teaspoon of chili powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of pepper
Cook the onions and green peppers slowly in the lard until the onions are yellow. Add the hamburg and saute until the mixture falls apart. Add the tomatoes, rice, and seasonings. Arrange in a large casserole, cover, and bake in a moderately hot oven (375 degrees) for 45 minutes or until done. This serves eight persons.
25 February 1945, New York Times, pg. SM14 ad:
1/2 c. uncooked RIVER BRAND Brown Rice, 2 large onions slcd., 2 green peppers mncd., 3 tbsp. fat, 1 lb. ground round steak, 2 c. canned tomatoes, 1 tsp. chili powder, salt, peper. Brown onions, peppers lightly in fat. Add meat, cook lightly. Add tomatoes, rice and seasonings. Mix well and turn into casserole. Bake in oven (350 degrees) about 1 hr. Serves 6.
31 October 1947, Washington Post, pg. C1:
2 large onions, sliced
2 green peppers, cut fine
3 tablespoons fat
1 pound hamburg
2 cans canned tomatoes
1/2 cup uncooked rice
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Cook onions and green pepper slowly in hot fat until onions are yellow. Add hamburg and fry until mixture falls apart. Add tomatoes, rice and seasonings and mix. Put in large, greased casserole, cover, and bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) 45 minutes, or until done. Serves 8. To serve 4, divide recipe in half.
Variation: Instead of rice, use 1 cup uncooked spaghetti, macaroni or noodles.
20 October 1966, Los Angeles

, pg. F13:
3 onions, sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
3 tbsp. shortening or oil
1 lb. ground beef
1 1-lb. can tomatoes
1 cup rice
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. Worcestershire
2 tsp. salt
Cook onions and green pepper in shortening until tender but not browned. Add beef and cook, stirring now and then, until beef loses its red color. Stir in tomatoes, rice, chili powder, Worcestershire sauce and salt. Pour into greased 2-qt. casserole. Bake, covered, at 350 deg. 1 hr., removing cover last 15 min. Makes 6 servings.
16 May 1974, Washington Post, “Anne’s Reader Exchange,” pg. E2:
B.K. should know that there are two kinds of hash—New York style and Texas style. In New York, hash is served in patties and is crisp.
Once in a Los Angeles restaurant, the hash I ordered resembled a beef stew. A friend told me I had been served “Texas” hash.