
“Texaplex” was trademarked in October 2008 by David Winans of David Winans GMAC Real Estate. A “Texaplex” video was made about Texas real estate that was distributed on YouTube on February 8, 2009.
The term “Metroplex” was coined in 1972-1973 for the Dallas-Fort Worth area. “Texaplex” is the area of Texas where most people live—encompassing Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Austin. Another term for this large area is the “Texas Triangle.”
What is the Texaplex?
David Winans coined the term “Texaplex” to describe the triangular region of Texas that contains 75% of the state’s population. Watch the video and see why everyone is talking about the Texaplex.
The Texaplex Project
The global financial crisis is a vicious cycle. The more we hear and talk about it, the worse it gets. However, in spite of all the national bad news, Texas is prospering! Texas, and in particular the Texaplex, has some pretty impressive facts that most Texans weren’t even aware of. This video is part of the Texaplex project which has set out to change that.
12 November 1997, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Metroplex puts new meaning into moniker” by Steve Blow:
Put on your party hats. It’s time to celebrate. The metroplex is 25 years old.
What? You thought it was a lot older?
No, no, I don’t mean the actual Dallas-Fort Worth megalopolis we love so much. I’m talking about the word “metroplex. ” It was invented 25 years ago. And some are still sore about it.
At this point, it’s easy to forget that “metroplex” isn’t a real word.
Some were variations on “plex” - HappiTex, Texaplex, The Texas Nexus. Somebody suggested The Big Howdy.
active rain
There’s an almost overwhelming amount of negative news crashing into our worlds on a daily basis from one venue or another.  In the real estate industry, we cannot avoid it.  We have to be aware of lending regulations and trends and market statistics.
So even though this is a very pro-Texas video, I appreciate very much the efforts of David Winans to develop, produce and market it.  Positive news is like rain in the desert.  If you’re a Texan, have clients relocating to Texas or if you’re thinking about moving to Texas yourself, it’s well worth 7 minutes to watch.  Thank you, David.
Posted by Valerie Keener on 02/18/2009 05:57 PM
Shannon Register, Realtor
Texaplex Video
February 25, 2009
Click on this link for an amazing video about Texas.  With all of the media doom and gloom and negativity in the housing market, this is a wonderful video from YouTube about Texas Real Estate.  We still have the best housing market in the country.  We have people relocating here every day.  We still have job growth.  Texas is an amazing place to live!
Goods and Services IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Providing consumer information in the field of real estate, namely information about the Texas real estate marketplace and real estate listings. FIRST USE: 20081021. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20081021
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 77709359
Filing Date April 8, 2009
Current Filing Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Owner (APPLICANT) Winans Inc. CORPORATION TEXAS 17734 Preston Rd. Suite 100 Dallas TEXAS 75252
Attorney of Record Mark Falkin
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