“Take to the Water” (NY Waterway)

Ny Waterway operates a ferry service. Ferries used to be commonplace before our bridges, but now ferries are back, freeing Manhattan from having more cars.

"Take to the water" is a slogan that NY Waterway has used on the radio, to listeners stuck in traffic in those cars.


Up through the 1800's, ferries were the only way to get to and around Manhattan. As bridges and tunnels were built, ferry transportation faded. In 1986, Arthur E. Imperatore and his family rejuvenated the NY Harbor with the launch of the first NY Waterway boat. Since then, NY Waterway has carried over 65 million passengers. NY Waterway has the largest ferry and excursion fleet in the NY Harbor, but it is still a family business with all the personal attention to service and amenities that it had when it was just Arthur's ferry. You are treated like family from the moment you step into our terminal. Some people say a NY Waterway Sightseeing Cruise is the friendliest experience they have had in New York. We say "welcome aboard!"

Radio Delivers NY Waterway's Commuter Cure

"There's a 45-minute wait at the Lincoln" . . . "The GW's bumper-to-bumper" . . . "Just forget about the Holland".

The preceding intentionally sounds like a traffic report. But it isn't. It's one of several NY Waterway Radio commercials that position the New Jersey-New York ferry service as "a cure for the common commute," urging Radio listeners to, "Take to the water ! . . . It's fast, easy and stress-free!"

While NY Waterway has used Radio intermittently over the past few years, the company has now made Radio the primary medium, using newspaper, magazine, out-of-home and direct mail as support media. Much of the commuter service's Radio airs in drivetime, says Pat Tesman, senior vice president, Gianettino & Meredith, NYW's Short Hills, N.J.-based ad agency. The reason, she explains, is to specifically focus on "drivers sitting in traffic." An additional target is the leisure market for cruises or those seeking easier trips to such destinations as Shea Stadium, Yankee Stadium or a Broadway show.

See New York and Take to the Water with NY Waterway.