“Table’s not ready. Can you wait?”/“OK.”/“Great! Take these plates to table six, then.”

A restaurant joke—where “waiting” can mean two different things—was posted on Twitter by Sickipedia_Feed on March 24, 2012:
In a restaurant
“Hi. is my table ready?”
“Not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?”
“No, that’s ok”
“Great, take these to table six then”

Timmy Tour
In a restaurant “Hi. is my table ready?” - “Not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?” - “No, that’s ok” - “Great, take these to table six then”
6:29 PM - 24 Mar 2012
In a restaurant
“Hi. is my table ready?”
“Not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?”
“No, that’s ok”
“Great, take the… http://bit.ly/H33Ugr
6:52 PM - 24 Mar 2012
Jason Gould
In a restaurant
“Hi. is my table ready?”
“Not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?”
“No, that’s ok”
“Great, take these to table six then”
1:08 AM - 25 Mar 2012
27 March 2012, The Sun (London, UK), “Have a Laugh!,” pg. 15:
TODAY, I walked into a restaurant.
“Hi, is my table ready?” “No, not yet Sir. Do you mind waiting?” “No, that’s okay.” “Great, take these to table six then.”
Today, I walked into a restaurant.
submitted December 17, 2013 by Ohlala-
“Hi, is my table ready?”
“No, not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?”
“No, that’s okay.”
“Great, take these salads to table six then.”
Bob Kostic
Today, I walked into a restaurant.
“Hi, is my table ready?”
“No, not yet sir. Do you mind waiting?”
“No, that’s okay.”
“Great, take these plates to table six then.”
5:03 PM - 8 May 2018