Switch Building (109 Norfolk Street)

The building at 109 Norfolk Street quickly has been called the "Switch Building." It literally looks like a bunch of light swtiches on top of one another.


A 7 storey residential building in the Lower East Side, currently under construction, redefines the bay window within the tight zoning constraints of New York City. An angled metal facade switches back and forth, allowing residents views up and down the street. The overlap in the metal cladding panels alternate in direction, creating subtle differences in shadows from floor to floor. At the ground floor, an art gallery extends the full depth of the site, terminating in a skylit double-height space at the rear.

Nicknamed "Switch," 109 Norfolk Street is expected to be completed next year.

Switch Building / 109 Norfolk St Lower East Side/East Village n/a - n/a 9 units, 7 stories
Architects: nArchitects May 01, 2005

Switching it Up on the LES
Tuesday, April 19, 2005, by Joey

On the Lower East Side, whether it's something as exciting as a beast's return to the wild or as routine as a Moby sighting, there's a lot to see. The nARCHITECTS firm knows this, of course, so they've decided to grant future tenants of 109 Norfolk St. the luxury of having both northern and southern views. Check out the design on the so-called Switch Building, a seven-story residential currently under construction. An angled metal facade "switches" back and forth, giving each apartment two views--and street-level onlookers the crippling fear that an earthquake is hitting.
· Switch Building, New York [nARCHITECTS via Triple Mint]

Switch Building
109 Norfolk Street
7 stories 68 feet
Dev-Gil Grinberg
Residential Condominium
9 units 13,600 Sq. Ft.
Under Construction 2004-2006

A 7 storey residential building in the Lower East Side, currently under construction, redefines the bay window within the tight zoning constraints of New York City. An angled metal facade switches back and forth, allowing residents views up and down the street. The direction of overlap in the metal cladding panels alternate in direction, creating subtle differences in shadows from floor to floor. At the ground floor, an art gallery extends the full depth of the site, terminating in a skylit double-height space at the rear.