Swing State

A “swing state” is one of the fifty states of the United States that could support (or “swing” to) either one of the two political parties, Republican or Democrat. Political candidates for president spend much of their time and money trying to win the support of the swing states. The term “swing state” has been cited in print since at least 1948 and became frequently used in newspaper articles by 1955 and 1956.
A swing state is also called a “battleground state” and a “purple state.”
Wikipedia: Swing state
In United States presidential politics, a swing state (also, battleground state or purple state) is a state in which no single candidate or party has overwhelming support in securing that state’s electoral college votes. Such states are targets of both major political parties in presidential elections, since winning these states is the best opportunity for a party to gain electoral votes. Non-swing states are sometimes called safe states, because one candidate has strong enough support that he or she can safely assume that he or she will win the state’s votes.
16 August 1948, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Thinking Out Loud” by Lynn Landrum, sec. 2, pg. 3, col. 2:
Once Texas is known to be a “swing” state, no major political party will ever again ignore Texas.
31 October 1955, The Progress-Index (Petersburg, VA), “Liabilities Which Sound Like Assets” (editorial), pg. 4, col. 1:
Furthermore Ohio is a populous state with a substanital number of electoral votes. It is a “swing” state whose decision for president might rest on nomination of a favorite son.
19 September 1956, San Diego (CA) Union, “GOP Victory Is Predicted In California” by Henry Love, pg. 1, col. 8:
He said President Eisenhower said party leaders consider California of great importance in the election because it is what he called a “swing state” and has a large electoral vote.
Google News Archive
11 October 1956, Sarasota (FL) Journal, pg. 9, col. 3:
Connecticut Called Swing State
That Could Go to Either Party

Google Books
22 October 1956, Life magazine, “A Ticklish Two-Seat Tussle in Kentucky,” pg. 36, col. 1:
It is a swing state, which Stevenson carried by only 700 votes in 1952
Google Books
Presidential Timber;
A history of nominating conventions, 1868-1960

By Herbert Eaton
New York, NY: Free Press of Glencoe
Pg. 83:
He (Warren Harding—ed.) was from the swing state of Ohio; he certainly looked like a president.
Google Books
Campaign 72;
Press opinion from New Hampshire to November

By Edward W. Knappman, Evan Drossman and Robert Newman
New York, NY: Facts on File
Pg. 65:
Ohio was a good laboratory in which to test Democratic candidates forthe presidency. It is a swing state. It tilts as the nation tilts, and almost invariably lands on the winner’s side in presidential contests.
Google Books
Roll call!:
Patterns of voting in the sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention

By David Kenney, Jack R. Van Der Slik and Samuel J. Pernacciaro
Urbana, IL: Published for the Institute of Government and Public Affairs by the University of Illinois Press
Pg. 45:
Politically, Illinois is beyond any doubt a “swing” state. It may go to either major party in a given general election, depending on state and national tides of opinion and the qualities of the candidates.
Google Books
Running for President, 1976:
The Carter campaign

By Martin Schram
New York, NY: Stein and Day
Pg. 265:
He would need five, plus a smaller swing state or two; six out of eight to be safe.
Google Books
Emerging Coalitions in American Politics
By Seymour Martin Lipset and Jack Bass
San Francisco, CA: Institute for Contemporary Studies
Pg. 240:
The compromise result is that California appears on both of our maps as a swing state, marginally Democratic and marginally liberal over the course of the twentieth century.
Google Books
Illinois Elections:
Parties, Patterns, Reapportionment, Consolidation

By Peter W. Colby. David H. Everson. Paul Michael Green. Caroline A. Gherardini, Governors State University Foundation, et al;
Springfield, IL: Illinois issues, Sangamon State University
Pg. IV:
Illinois politics bear heavily on national politics. The state is a swing state in national elections, and it usually votes with the winner in presidential contests
OCLC WorldCat record
Endgame: Calling All Swing States
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: NEWSWEEK -INTERNATIONAL EDITION- (November 20, 2000): 88-98
Database: British Library Serials
OCLC WorldCat record
Inside Politics - In Ohio, a key swing state, Bush tries to battle back after his commanding lead vanished.
Author: Jack W Germond; Jules Witcover
Publisher: Washington, D.C., National Journal Group Inc.
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: National journal. 32, no. 38, (2000): 2912
Database: ArticleFirst
Other Databases: British Library Serials
OCLC WorldCat record
VOTER 2004 - Democrats hope environmental concerns will tip the swing state votes in their favor.
Author: Yuval Rosenberg
Publisher: Stamford, Conn., Cowles Business Media Inc.
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: American demographics. 25, no. 10, (2003): 18
Database: ArticleFirst
OCLC WorldCat record
SWING STATE WATCH: What’s Happening Where It Really Matters
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: NEWSWEEK -AMERICAN EDITION- 144, no. 6, (August 9, 2004): 34
Database: British Library Serials
Other Databases: ArticleFirst