Summer Time (bread and milk)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Brooklyn Newsstand
3 July 1887, Brooklyn (NY) Daily Egale, pg. 13, col. 1:
“Summer time,” is bread and milk.
Entry in progress—B.P.
Hudson River Valley Heritage Historical Newspapers (NY)
24 March 1888, The Rockland County Journal (NY), “Waiters’ Queer Orders,” pg. 6, col. 1: 
A NEWS reporter went into a restaurant on Ann street yesterday and after having given his order to the waiter asked him what was the meaning of the jargon waiters usually shriek at the cook.
“‘Summer time’ is simply other words for saying ‘Give me a bowl and a soup plate.’”
N. Y. News.
13 September 1891, Springfield (IL) Sunday Journal,  “The Waiter’s Tenor: How It Sounds in a Cheap New York Restaurant,” pg. 3, col. 5:
In the hot season the newcomer is profoundly puzzled at an order for “Summer time and a plate of grass!”
“Summer time” proves to be cracker and milk. The “grass” is asparagus. A bowlof milk without crackers, or where the waiter supplies himself with the crackers is attained by the request to “see me at the bowl!”
3 November 1891, The Evening Repository (Canton, OH), pg. 5, col. 3:
One bowl of summer time is used for a bowl of milk.