“Summer means about three months of no school shootings”

Summer is known as a time when there is no school…shootings? “What does it say about our society that what kids like most about summer is 3 months without school shootings? #awellregulatedmilitia” was posted on Twitter on June 10, 2014. “Now that it’s summer, we can all look forward to 3 months of no school shootings” was posted on Twitter on June 11, 2014.
The joke went viral in May 2018, after the Santa Fe High School Shooting. “The best thing about summer break coming up is the US will have 2 months without school shootings” was posted on Reddit—Too Soon on May 19, 2018. “I’m so happy summer is here because that means potentially three months without school shootings” was posted on Twitter on May 21, 2018.
“Why are Americans so dumb?”/“Because they shoot the ones who go to school” is a riddle about school shootings.
Trev Mac
What does it say about our society that what kids like most about summer is 3 months without school shootings? #awellregulatedmilitia
7:27 PM - 10 Jun 2014
The Irish Atheist
Now that it’s summer, we can all look forward to 3 months of no school shootings.
11:07 PM - 11 Jun 2014
It is depressing that I look forward to summer not for the weather but for the hopes that there are 3 months without school shootings.
11:13 AM - 18 May 2018
Mayor Matt Surrency
I used to look forward to summer to go to the beach. Now I look forward to summer for school to be out so we at least have 2 months without school shootings. #SantaFe #FlaPol #EnoughIsEnough #Sayfie #saveourchildren
11:38 AM - 18 May 2018 from Florida, USA
Schmedley Johanson
yet another shooting @davidhogg111 and @Emma4Change work every day to change hearts and minds and still this goes on. I can’t wait for summer and 3 months of no school ..... shootings! Maybe our leaders will help this time..??!!
11:48 AM - 18 May 2018
BuuHao Mike
Welp, at least we can look forward to (insert GOP/FoxNews shitheel here) bragging in late August about almost 2 months of no school shootings.
2:52 PM - 18 May 2018
Reddit—Too Soon
The best thing about summer break coming up is the US will have 2 months without school shootings.
submitted May 19, 2018 by ano1batman
Summer school though
I’m so happy summer is here because that means potentially three months without school shootings.
4:17 PM - 21 May 2018
heterosexual genocide month 🌈
Soon, we’ll have about three months of no school shootings
9:45 PM - 25 May 2018
Wesley Holden
Summer means 3 months of no school shootings
10:45 AM - 27 May 2018
Summer’s getting near in the states. Gonna be like a 3 whole months without school shootings.
2:13 PM - 27 May 2018
Yay, it’s summer break! Or as we call it in America, “2 1/2 months without school shootings.”
#America2018 #GunCulture #NRA #MyKidsCouldBeNext
1:17 PM - 4 Jun 2018
What’s the best part about summer in the U.S.?
submitted June 25, 2018 by JZwizzles
3 months of no school shootings.
Uh, there’s also Summer school
And Sunday school.
and home school