“Summer begins on the 5th of July in Portland”

For most of the United States, the start of summer is marked by Memorial Day at the end of May. For people who live in Oregon and Washington, the start of summer is marked by the day after the 4th of July—July 5th.
“In Oregon, summer begins on July 5th” was written on a website in 2007, but the saying might be far older. In 2012, two media websites said that “Summer begins on the 5th of July in Portland” was an adage.
Google Groups: cakewalk.coffeehouse 
Steven Meyers

wrote in message
> It’s warm and sunny here too. Somewhat unusual for our area, when we
> like to say that summer starts on the 5th of July.
If we’re talking about sunlight on Bainbridge Island, summer ends later that same day. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Oregon PERS Information
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Jet Lag
Just remember the Oregon summer law - “in Oregon, summer begins on July 5th”.
West Seattle Blog 
“The first day of Summer begins on the 5th of July”… at least that’s what I’ve been told!
Comment by Another GA Native — 3:47 pm June 4, 2008
Fodor’s United States Forums
Mar 5, 09 at 11:00am
Hi - just a thought since I’m a Seattle native! June can be very dicey weather, sometimes awful: rainy and gray for days on end. It could be cold (for you) but that’s what I’m assuming you want! If you want better, more beautiful weather, you’d want to book August again, or July or September (which is often the best month in the NW). October can also be splendid! We Northwesterners live by the “summer begins on July 5th” rule.
Bike Forums 
12-19-10, 11:49 AM  
Our motto is: Summer begins on the 5th of July.
ifish Discussion Board
keizer rapids
06-24-2012, 08:36 AM
Summer starts in Oregon July 5th, you might run malwearbytes on your computer if you keep having that problem. 
Independence Day Weather
Reported by: Matt Brode
Published: 7/04/2012 6:02 am
The adage “Summer begins on the 5th of July in Portland” couldn’t be more accurate this year. Well, we may beat it by 24 hours.
Summer has come to Portland
by Jeff Thompson, KGW.com Staff
Posted on July 6, 2012 at 9:55 AM
Updated Friday, Jul 6 at 3:02 PM
PORTLAND—The hot, dry 7-day forecast proves the old adage that summer in Portland really begins on the 5th of July, and we could hit 90 by the 8th.
Rhi in Pink
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
Staycation Report
You’ll hear many Oregonians say that summer in Oregon doesn’t truly start until the 5th of July and that was certainly the case this year. The weather at the coast could not have been more perfect.