Story Stock

A “story stock” is a stock that has a story—that is, a stock that has some storied excitement to it. A “story stock” company could have a unique electronics product launch, or it could have a new drug approved. This special “story” could possibly generate huge earnings.
“Story stock” has been cited in print since at least 1968.
Definition of ‘Story Stock’
A stock whose value is a reflection of expected future potential (or favorable press coverage) rather than its assets and income.
17 August 1968, Manitowoc (WI) Herald Times, Two Rivers Reporter, pg. M-15, col. 1 ad:
... undervalued defensive situations or “story” stocks whose special factors are causing or can cause substantial upward revision of sales and earnings prospects, enhancing appreciation potential.
(The Marshall Company, Inc.—ed.)
Google News Archive
23 October 1970, Observer-Reporter (Washington, PA), “The Daily Investor” by Charles J. Elia, pg. A14, col. 3:
If are an investor, then pass up the “story” stocks — and their relatively higher risks — and concentrate on solid leading-industry companies for long- term holding.
3 July 1972, The Evening Times (Trenton, NJ), “The Daily Investor” by Charles J. Elia, pg. 18, col. 4:
Curtiss-Wright has become a smash-hit “story” stock because the speculative money has become enamored on the Wankel rotary engine.
Google Books
Money Dynamics:
How to build financial independence

By Venita VanCaspel
Reston, VA: Reston Pub. Co.
Pg. 77:
This is different from a story stock from which good results have already been realized, but even better results are expected. The best story is the “Good Earnings Story.”
Google Books
Barron’s Finance & Investment Handbook
Third Edition
By John Downes and Jordan Elliot Goodman
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s
Pg. 503:
STORY STOCK/BOND security with values or features so complex that a “story” is required to persuade investors of its merits. Story stocks are frequently from companies with some unique product or service that is difficult for competitors to copy.
Google Books
Business Week’s Guide to Mutual Funds
By Jeffrey M. Laderman
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Incorporated
Pg. 13:
(A “story” stock is one in which the investment is recommended, not on the basis of its current earnings, but on the premise that the company has a unique “story” that promises great profits.)
Google Books
The authoritative topic-by-topic dictionary of American lingoes from all walks of life

By Paul Dickson
New York, NY: Pocket Books
Pg. 87:
story stock. Stock that is more dependent on a good story than on its balance sheet.
Google Books
NTC’s Thematic Dictionary of American Slang
By Richard A. Spears
New York, NY: McGraw Hill Professional
Pg. 185:
story stock n. shares in a company that are bought because of an appealing story about the company.
OCLC WorldCat record
A Story Stock’s Surprise Ending Anicom’s ride to the top seemed too good to be true-and it was
Author: K Powers
Edition/Format:   Article : English
Publication: FORBES, 167, Part 4 (February 19, 2001): 52
Database: British Library Serials
Other Databases: ArticleFirst
Zero Hedge
“Greater Fools”, “Story Stocks”, And Bernanke “The Hero”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/03/2013 18:01 -0400
The term “Story stock” used to mean a company with little more than a sheaf of press releases and a glitzy narrative about its future prospects.  Now, ConvergEx’s Nick Colas notes that pretty much any stock with a fighting chance of outperforming needs to have a “Story” to cut through the clutter of a noisy macro-driven market.  Story-less equities where the valuation is cheap simply dawdle, while theoretically expensive story stocks sizzle loudly.  So what makes a good story?  The answer is not only “Blowin’ in the wind,” it is as old as the hills.  CEOs matter intensely – they tell the story, and in the best cases they are the “Hero” at the center of it.