Soviet Poverty Lie Center (Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC nickname)

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a civil rights organization that some conservatives and libertarians have called a far-left extremist group. The SPLC nickname “Soviet Poverty Lie Center” was used on Twitter on November 17, 2016.
“Soviet Poverty Law Center” is a similar nickname. The Daily Paul listed some other SPLC nicknames in June 2011.
Wikipedia: Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is an American nonprofit legal advocacy organization specializing in civil rights and public interest litigation. Based in Montgomery, Alabama, it is noted for its successful legal cases against white supremacist groups, its classification of hate groups and other extremist organizations, and its educational programs that promote tolerance. The SPLC’s classification and listing of hate groups—organizations that, in its assessment, “attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics”—and its labeling of certain people as extremists have been the source of some controversy.

SPLC was founded by Morris Dees and Joseph J. Levin Jr. in 1971 as a civil rights law firm in Montgomery. Civil rights leader Julian Bond served as president of the board between 1971 and 1979.
Daily Paul
Submitted by AZJoe on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 12:28. Permalink
I couldn’t quite remember what SPLC stands for again:
SPLC – Scamming for Profits with Lies and Corruption
SPLC – Society of Patriot act Lovers and Cheerleaders
SPLC – Suppressing Prosperity, Liberty and Civil rights
SPLC – Soliciting Profits with Lies and Cheats
SPLC – Suppress, Persecute, Libel and Coerce
SPLC – Society Promoting Libel against Conservatives
SPLC - Society to Prohibit Liberty and Civil rights
SPLC – Seeking Power thru martial Law and Compulsion
SPLC – Surrender to Power your Liberty and Rights
SPLC – Shysters, Phonies, Liars, and Cheats
SPLC – Swindling the Public thru Lies and Corruption
SPLC – Society to Prohibit Libertarian Concepts
SPLC - Suppressing the Principles of Liberty and Choice
SPLC - Society for Persecution and Libel of Christians
Submitted by DaleinAdaOklahoma on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 14:03.
Sock Puppets Leading Contributors
ن TRUMP STAMPΞDE ن Retweeted Mark Dice
Soviet Poverty Lie Centerن TRUMP STAMPΞDE ن added,
Mark Dice @MarkDice
The Southern Poverty Law Center (which is calling Steve Bannon a “white nationalist”) also called Ben Carson a “right wing extremist.” FYI.
2:07 PM - 17 Nov 2016
3:23 am on January 5, 2017
The Soviet Poverty Lie Center’s “Hate Crime” Hoaxes
Thomas DiLorenzo
Footnote:  The one thing the Soviet Poverty Lie Center, headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, hates the most, of course, is Southerners.  And since they are hardened communist ideologues, libertarian southerners are the most hated of all, because they are associated with the twin “evils” of freedom and limited, decentralized government.
6:22 pm on January 30, 2017
Biggest Big Lie Yet from the Soviet Poverty Lie Center?
Thomas DiLorenzo
The president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I like to more accurately call the Soviet Poverty Lie Center, recently declared that “Black Lives Matter is not a Hate Group.”  OK, case closed.
Chris Wilson‏
Replying to @JoshMandelOhio @ADL_National and 2 others
8:56 PM - 20 Jul 2017
Chris Wilson‏
Replying to @ramzpaul
Soviet Poverty Lie Center
and the word “poverty” is out of place with their 100s of millions of dollars
1:40 PM - 18 Aug 2017
7:27 pm on August 20, 2017
Time to Ditch My Apple Computer and i-Phone
Thomas DiLorenzo
Apple Computer is donating $1 million to the Soviet Poverty Lie Center.