Soviet Poverty Law Center (Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC nickname)

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a civil rights organization that some conservatives and libertarians have called a far-left extremist group. The SPLC nickname “Soviet Poverty Law Center” was used in a July 2012 tweet and was popularized by the April 2013 article, “Krugman and the Soviet Poverty Law Center,” by Tom DiLorenzo on
“Soviet Poverty Lie Center” is a similar nickname. The Daily Paul listed some other SPLC nicknames in June 2011.
Wikipedia: Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is an American nonprofit civil rights organization noted for its legal victories against white supremacist groups; its legal representation for victims of hate groups; its monitoring of alleged hate groups, militias and extremist organizations; and its educational programs that promote tolerance. The SPLC classifies as hate groups organizations that it considers to denigrate or assault entire groups of people, typically for attributes that are beyond their control.
In 1971, Morris Dees and Joseph J. Levin Jr. founded the SPLC as a civil rights law firm based in Montgomery, Alabama.
Daily Paul
Submitted by AZJoe on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 12:28. Permalink
I couldn’t quite remember what SPLC stands for again:
SPLC – Scamming for Profits with Lies and Corruption
SPLC – Society of Patriot act Lovers and Cheerleaders
SPLC – Suppressing Prosperity, Liberty and Civil rights
SPLC – Soliciting Profits with Lies and Cheats
SPLC – Suppress, Persecute, Libel and Coerce
SPLC – Society Promoting Libel against Conservatives
SPLC - Society to Prohibit Liberty and Civil rights
SPLC – Seeking Power thru martial Law and Compulsion
SPLC – Surrender to Power your Liberty and Rights
SPLC – Shysters, Phonies, Liars, and Cheats
SPLC – Swindling the Public thru Lies and Corruption
SPLC – Society to Prohibit Libertarian Concepts
SPLC - Suppressing the Principles of Liberty and Choice
SPLC - Society for Persecution and Libel of Christians
Submitted by DaleinAdaOklahoma on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 14:03.
Sock Puppets Leading Contributors
Christopher Serrone
@lewrockwell could we expect anything less from the soviet poverty law center?
6:55 AM - 28 Jul 12
Krugman and the Soviet Poverty Law Center
Monday, April 1, 2013
By Paul Martin
Paul Krugman Proves Himself To Be a Fraud (Again)
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
A couple of years ago when I appeared as one of Ron Paul’s witnesses (the first one, actually) during his House of Representatives hearings on the Fed, the Democrats got the biggest leftist on the committee to smear, libel, and slander me by repeating the smears, libels, and slanders about me (and virtually all other libertarians and conservatives) by the left-wing hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Right Turns
Monday, April 1, 2013
Paul Krugman And The Soviet Poverty “Law” Center
They seem to be like two rotten peas in the same rotten pod.
Posted by Bob at 12:25 PM
The Blog
“Dangerous Men Such as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin . . .”
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on April 1, 2013 08:34 AM
. . . would be sent to Guantanamo and waterboarded (and worse) if the Soviet Poverty Law Center was around then and had its way.
The Blog
April 15, 2013
Bombing in Boston: The Southern Paranoia Law Center Hopes It Was…
Posted by Bill Anderson on April 15, 2013 03:27 PM
I AM sure, however, that the people at the Southern Paranoia Law Center (SPLC) are hoping, HOPING! that the perpetrators were “white supremacists” so that the SPLC immediately can send out fund-raising letters to turn this sad event into a cash cow. (And I am sure that Paul Krugman would love to be able to blame the Tea Party or maybe even Ron Paul supporters.)
The Blog
i>re: Bombing in Boston
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on April 15, 2013 05:45 PM
Bill, you are correct that as of now no one has any idea who is responsible for the horrendous event today in Boston.  But both CNN and Esquire magazine long ago went on record blaming “right-wing extremists” for the bombing.  They of course are touting the knee-jerk line of the Soviet Policy Law Center whenever something like this happens.