Southwest (Southwestern)

Texas has been described as part of the “South-west” since at least 1819.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
south-west, adv., n., and a.
U.S. The south-western states.
1835 J. H. OTEY in W. M. Green Mem. J. H. Otey (1885) 15 Connected with my journey to the South-West, was an ardent desire to forward..a projected plan of a Literary and Theological Seminary, to meet the wants of Episcopalians in Tennessee and Mississippi and Louisiana.
south-western, a. and n.
U.S. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the south-western states.
1806 New Eng. Palladium (Boston) 30 July 2/1 The President appoints the Legislative Councils in our South~western Territories.
10 September 1819, Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, DC), pg. 3:
Extract of a letter from an officer of the Republican army in the Province of Texas, to Col. R. Robinson, of this country.
“The tide of emigration is bearing to the South-West like a torrent.”