Son Of a Bitch, Everything’s Real (“sober” backronym)

“S.O.B.E.R. = Son Of A Bitch, Everything’s Real” was published in the book Stepping Stones to Recovery for Young People: Experience the Miracle of 12 Step Recovery (1991), edited by Lisa D. and published by Hazelden. The “sober” backronym (back acronym) has been popular in recovery programs and has been frequently used by actor Gary Busey.
Google Books
Stepping Stones to Recovery for Young People:
Experience the Miracle of 12 Step Recovery

Edited by Lisa D.
Seattle, WA: Glen Abbey Books
Pg. 213:
47. S.O.B.E.R. = Son Of A Bitch, Everything’s Real
Google Books
Beam Me Up, Scotty
By Michael Guinzburg
New York, NY: Arcade Publishing
Pg. 145:
“SOBER,” said the speaker on the podium, a small bald white man in priest get-up. “S-O-B-E-R: Son Of a Bitch, Everything’s Real. As Big Jim used to say, ‘My worst day sober is better than my best day drunk.’”
Google Books
AA to Z:
An Addictionary of the 12-Step Culture

By Christopher Cavanaugh
New York, NY: Main Street Books
Pg. ?:
SOBER. Acronym for Son Of a Bitch, Everything’s Real.
26 July 1998, Beacon Journal (Akron, OH), “Busey wants it known that he’s found Jesus,” pg, F2:
And ‘Bible’ stands for ‘basic instructions before leaving Earth.’ And ‘sober’ stands for ‘son of a bitch, everything’s real.’
Mon, Sep 11 2006
The Dreaded Pink Cloud…
by Mark
I’m subscribed to the principle that when I’m on a “pink cloud” – ride that baby out! For… this too shall pass
With a hat tip to AA Historical Materials at the Hindsfoot Foundation web site we find some solid experience with what to do when a pink cloud wears off.
It may only be my imagination but somehow I have a feeling that they had already determined by 1955 that the definition of SOBER was “Son of a bitch, everything’s real.”
Gary Busey On Piranha 3DD
Exploding cows, dragons and ‘Buseyisms’

25 November 2011 |  Written by Helen O’Hara
Next year he’s also planning to release a book called Buseyisms, full of the acronyms he’s been creating since 1999. “‘NASCAR’ stands for Non-Athletic Sport Centred Around Rednecks. ‘SOBER’ is Son Of a Bitch, Everything’s Real’” Etc.
Sober: Son of a Bitch Everything’s Real [Unabridged] [Audible Audio Edition]
by Pam R. (Author), Pamela Lorence (Narrator)
Product Details
Audible Audio Edition
Listening Length: 10 hours and 1 minute
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Pam R. Release Date: January 4, 2013