Socialistacrat (socialist + Sandinista + bureaucrat)
“Socialistacrat” (socialist + Sandinista + bureaucrat) is a term that some on the political far right use to describe some on the political far left. “Our current socialistacrat President Obuma” was a blog comment by PatriotUSA on March 24, 2009.
“Socialistacrats and Silicon Valley Strange Free Speech” by Jon Bowne was a story on the website Infowars on July 19, 2018.
Gates of Vienna
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Common Sense in the Face of Mass Insanity
PatriotUSA said… 7
How refreshing this would be here in the USA, to limit immigration members to a mere 30% of what it is currently in a classroom. Would like to see it go even farther and stop certain groups from immigrating all togethr but that will not happen under our current socialistacrat President Obuma. As I am new here I need to gradually work my way in. Let’s just say I DID NOT VOTE for OBUMA! I do not CLAIM HIM AS MY PRESIDENT. I am also not a fan of Cair, Msa, and especially the Muslim Brotherhood. I will stop for now.
3/24/2009 7:51 PM
MONDAY, MAY 11, 2009
Anti-Israel Bash Opens at UC Irvine
PatriotUSA May 11, 2009 at 11:25 PM
I am really surprised the mullah obamaham is not the main speaker for this “event.” Just about anyone in his cabinet would do as most of them are anti-semitic and really dislike anything Jewish or Israeli.This is the result of years of liberal control of education in this country. Diversity and multiculturalism which has turned into a malignancy, a toxic stew that really does stifle freedom of speech and expression. Unless of course it is the liberal/socialistacrat view.
Jon Sarte
‘Terrorism is the excuse. This is about economic and social control.’
11:08 PM - 29 Dec 2016
The Herald Bulletin (Anderson, IN)
‘Berniecrat’ enters District 26 state Senate race
Dave Ring, Dave Cravens to face off in Democratic primary
By Ken de la Bastide | The Herald Bulletin Jan 25, 2018
Sam Arnold from Facebook Jan 27, 2018
You mention “big pharma”. You ever hear of big government. And thanks but I think I stay with socialistacrat. I think it fits much better. You enjoy you day now.
Tech-elite silencing conservatives at record levels
Jon Bowne | - JULY 19, 2018
The Socialist Democratic party just can’t help prodding the sleeping giant.