“So I’m ugly. So what? I never saw anyone hit with his face”

Wikiquote: Yogi Berra
Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra (May 12, 1925 – September 22, 2015) was an American baseball player, manager and member of Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame, noted for his bad-ball hitting, his ability to perform in the clutch, and his peculiar, humorous-sounding statements. Most people have heard at least some of these statements, often without knowing the source. Though very few of the quotes attributed to Berra are malapropisms, Berra’s apparently unintentionally humorous statements have been mistakenly labeled as such by some writers.
But it don’t bother me. I never yet saw anybody hit the baseball with their face. Besides, I like to get kidded; that means they like me. When they stop kidding me, I’m in trouble.
. As quoted in “Stupid, You Say?” by Frank Litsky, in The Milwaukee Sentinel American Weekly (Sunday, September 18, 1960), p. 7.
27 January 1952, Sioux City (IA) Sunday Journal, “Does Yogi Mind All the Yogi Yanrs? ‘Naw,’ Says Yankee” by Murray Rose (AP), sec. 4, pg. 2, col. 3:
Don’t Hit with Face
Another time Yogi was taking a good ribbing from the players of another big league club. It was on a subject Berra is generally jockeyed on—his face. Yogi is homely and he knows it. After the bench jockeys got through riding him, Yogi snorted:
“It don’t matter what they say. All you have to do in this racket is to hit the ball. I never saw anybody hit one with his face.”
Dale Wagner
So I’m ugly. I never saw anyone hit with his face. - Yogi Berra #quote #YogiBerraRIP
6:07 AM - 21 Jun 2019
20 Funny Yogi Berra Quotes That Are As Weird & Wise As He Was
Kaitlin Kaiser
June 21, 2019
15. Talent outweighs looks.
“So I’m ugly. So what? I never saw anyone hit with his face.”— Yogi Berra