Snowtard (snow + retard)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Urban Dictionary
n. Snowtard, v. Snowtarded, adj. Snowtarded pejorative.
A snowtard is a driver who, when introduced to a snowy/icy environment will act entirely inappropriately.
There are many ways in which you can express your self as a snowtard, some are more dangerous than others.
The most common and harmless snowtard is one who simply avoids leaving his or her house at the sight of snow, he or she is most likely to become a problem when calling you and either flaking out on previous plans or asking you for help in the form of transportation.
by P. Fillmore December 23, 2008
Urban Dictionary
A person who continues to drive at 25 miles an hour for three days after a snowstorm in spite of the roads being totally clear of anything
by Bull96 April 15, 2013
Chip Swearngan
Atlanta drivers in snow today merit this definition: Urban Dictionary: Snowtard
4:16 PM - 28 Jan 2014
SNOWTARDS - Claiming Fake Snow wont melt with a flame! DEBUNKED!
Published on Jan 30, 2014
I’m from Quebec, Canada and we have a saying “Mon pays c’est l’hiver” - which means “My country is Winter”.