Snaccident (snack + accident)

“Snaccident” (snack + accident) was entered in the Urban Dictionary on May 16, 2007, defined as “When food (a snack) is consumed in an accidental, often regrettable way.” Rob Delaney did a popular tweet using the word on December 15, 2010, when he wrote, “I didn’t mean to gain all this weight; it happened by snaccident.”
The definition of “snaccident” has been printed on many images, with several from 2016. “Snaccident (noun) - eating a family sized block of chocolate entirely by mistake” was posted on Twitter on May 2, 2016. “Snaccident (n) Eating an entire pizza / box of chocolates or family size bag of crisps by mistake” was posted on Twitter on May 12, 2016.
The literal “snack accident” definition is less frequent. “If you’re eating chips and you spill them, it’s a snaccident” was posted on Reddit on June 19, 2015.
Urban Dictionary
(pr: Snax-eh-dent)
n. When food (a snack) is consumed in an accidental, often regrettable way. This can refer to accidentally eating food of questionable quality and/or quantity.
1. I happened upon an all-you-can-eat burrito buffet and had a near-fatal snaccident.
2. I snaccidentally ate one of those ham sandwiches made out of pizza slices from 7-11. I think I need to get my stomach pumped.
3. I only wanted one Pop Tart, but I ate the whole box on snaccident.

#snacks #food #accidents #why americans are fat #burritos
by Eary May 16, 2007
Noah Gebstadt
new word- Snaccident= when you eat your friends food
7:46 PM - 25 Apr 2009
a viper alone
I’ve been introducing “hangry”, “snaccident” to everyone’s lexicon. It’s my linguistic duty!
2:52 PM - 12 Sep 2009
rob delaney
I didn’t mean to gain all this weight; it happened by snaccident.
9:20 AM - 15 Dec 2010
If you’re eating chips and you spill them, it’s a snaccident (self.puns)
submitted June 19, 2015 by akadani
Trish Lowe
New Word:  Snaccident (noun) - eating a family sized block of chocolate entirely by mistake.
4:26 PM - 2 May 2016
My new favourite word = Snaccident (n)
Eating an entire pizza / box of chocolates or family size bag of crisps by mistake.
3:56 PM - 12 May 2016
Nicky Byrne Show 2fm
Snaccident - eating an entire pizza/box of chocolates/ bag of crisps etc. by mistake. What are your blended words? #portmanteau
6:22 AM - 24 Aug 2016