Skinny Nut (pistachio nickname)

Pistachio nuts were a common food in what is now northeastern Iraq since at least 6750 B.C. The pistachio has been promoted as the “skinny nut” since at least January 2009. The book The Secret to Skinny (2009) stated:
“Pistachios are the skinny nut. They’re one of the lowest in fat, highest in protein, and highest in fiber, which means they are one of the few protein source that have fiber to help unplug you while satiating you.”
Wikipedia: Pistachio
The pistachio, Pistacia vera in the Anacardiaceae family, is a small tree originally from Greater Iran (Iran and Iraq) which now can also be found in regions of Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Italy (Sicily), Uzbekistan, Afghanistan (especially in the provinces of Samangan and Badghis), and the United States, specifically in California. The tree produces an important culinary nut.
Google Books
The Secret to Skinny: How Salt Makes You Fat, and the 4-Week Plan to Drop Size and Get Healthier with Simple Low-Sodium Swaps
By Tammy Lakatos Shames and Lyssie Lakatos
Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications
Pp. 78-79:
Pistachios are the skinny nut. They’re one of the lowest in fat, highest in protein, and highest in fiber, which means they are one of the few protein source that have fiber to help unplug you while satiating you.
Busy Mommy
The perfect Super Bowl snack – pistachios.
January 26, 2009 By Emily
Known as the “skinny nut,” pistachios yield the most nuts per serving: 49 kernels per ounce compared to 23 for almonds, 14 for walnut halves and 18 for cashews. Thirty pistachios make a satisfying, deliciously healthy snack for about 100 calories.
Land of Lovigs
thursday, january 29, 2009
The Skinny Nut. **Giveaway!**
Back in October, the folks at Everybody’s Nuts sent me a sampler of their Pistachios. I am a big fan of pistachios and an even bigger fan of freebies, so I accepted their sampler box and expected to be no more or less impressed with Pistachios than I was before I tried them. Though, I was grateful nonetheless for the chance to give new flavors a try.
The Site All about Pistachios, Re-launches with New Look, Design and Interactive Features
Site Advances Health Information about Pistachios to Health Professionals and Consumers
The site’s clear division of content and unique offerings to each audience makes it a helpful and useful resource, whether you’re a professional dietitian or a conscientious snacker.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 24, 2009
About California Pistachios
A 30 gram serving of pistachios, with 49 kernels and 170 calories, provides more than 30 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Pistachios are an excellent source of vitamin B6, copper and manganese; and a good source of protein, fiber, thiamin and phosphorus. Known as the “Skinny Nut,” pistachios offering the most nut per 1 oz serving; 30 kernels make a satisfying, delicious snack for about 100 calories.
Daily Spark
Have You Tried the Skinny Nut?
By: Tanya Jolliffe : 11/30/2009 6:31 AM
The pistachio is a small, egg-shaped nut that slowly grows on trees in a light brown-beige shell with a light-green kernel. Pistachios are high in monounsaturated fats like many other more popular nuts and assist with reducing blood cholesterol and lower risks of cardiovascular disease.
Pistachio Health
New Research Supports Pistachios as the “Skinny Nut”
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2011
This week, two mindful eating studies supporting pistachios as the Skinny Nut were published in the journal Appetite.  In the first study, Eastern Illinois University researchers found that participants who consumed in-shell pistachios ate 41% fewer calories compared to those who consumed shelled pistachios.  In the second study researchers found that pistachio nut shells can provide important “visual cues” as a reminder of consumption that translate into a 22% reduction in calorie consumption.  Both studies further underscore that in-shell pistachios, which are one of the lowest calorie nuts, are a practical, everyday snack for weight management.
Fresh Plaza
Publication date: 9/1/2011
India: Wonderful®Pistachios introduces new variety
Smart snack: Pistachios are known as the “Skinny Nut” because they are one of the lowest-calorie, lowest-fat, and among the highest-fiber nuts. A 30g serving of pistachios has 3 grams of fiber, more than most other snack nuts and more than many pieces of whole fruit.
Food Product Design
February 25, 2011
LOS ANGELES—In honor of World Pistachio Day on February 26, is celebrating the nutritional benefits of California pistachios:
. The Skinny-Nut. Dubbed the “skinny nut” by nutrition experts, pistachios are one of the lowest calorie, lowest fat nuts and yield the most nuts per serving; 49 kernels per ounce, compared to 23 almonds, 14 walnut halves and 18 cashews. Just a handful of pistachios—about 30 kernels—offers a deliciously satisfying 100-calorie snack.