Sixth Borough (Yonkers, Scarsdale, Fort Lee, Jersey City, Hoboken, Nassau County, Rockland County)

New York City has five boroughs. The consolidation into the borough system took effect on January 1, 1898.

Yonkers (in Westchester County) was soon proposed to be New York's sixth borough. Many other cities and counties and even countries have been called "New York's sixth borough," such as Fort Lee (NJ), Jersey City (NJ), Nassau County (NY), and Rockland County (NY).

Miami (South Florida) has a well-known reputation as "New York's sixth borough."

Israel and Puerto Rico have sometimes been called New York's sixth borough.

An August 2005 New York Times article called Philadelphia (PA) New York's sixth borough, although several bloggers fiercely deny that Philadelphians have called their city that.
I've seen the future of New York and it is Jersey City
The city's debilitating bureaucracy -- New York Post contributor William Tucker argues -- is driving business west of the Hudson. This piece is adapted from "Welcome to New York's Sixth Borough," NEW YORK POST, November 14, 2002.
Jersey City: New York's Sixth Borough?
Fridays, September 19 and October 3, 2003
Today's City Living section highlights Hoboken, of "Pretty please can we be the sixth borough? We're obviously a hip alternative to living in the city and we're only 10 minutes away by PATH, we swear!" fame. I admittedly have never been to Hoboken, and though I've actually heard mostly positive things from those who do reside there (read: it's cheap), no amount of poor rationalizations about how the nightlife is great and how "close to Manhattan" it is will change the fact that you're still living in New Jersey.
Even the headline, "Philadelphia Story: The Next Borough," has a condescending quality to it. And has any true Philadelphian ever called this city New York's "sixth borough"?

(Google Groups)]
Egg Creams
... remedy that. Hey, I grew up in the sixth borough (Miami Beach) and we had egg creams there, too, thanks to all the NY refugees. (Glad ...
soc.culture.jewish - Aug 26 1992, 5:58 am by Janice Gelb - 42 messages - 23 authors

(Google Groups)
Jewish Communities in So. Florida?
... Being the "Sixth Borough of NYC", I don't think that you will have much of a problem anywhere in the Southern Palm Beach County area. ...
soc.culture.jewish - Sep 17 1992, 9:10 am by Jeff Edelheit - 3 messages - 3 authors

(Google Groups)
... 1986 MNC _____ Hey John, Miami is indeed New York's
sixth borough (after Manhattan, the ... - Oct 12 1993, 3:34 pm by Josef Call

16 April 1911, New York Times, pg. 12:
Four lawyers, Samuel Untermyer among them, met before an audience of 2,500 persons in the Yonkers Armory last evening to debate the wisdom of the bill now in the Legislature, which provides for the annexation of that city as a sixth borough of the City of New York.

5 May 1927, New York Times, pg. 1:
Association to Annex Southern Westchester
As Sixth City Borough Is Incorporated

12 March 1954, New York Times, pg. 29:
"The Sixth Borough," a documentary radio series telling the story of the Puerto Ricans in New York, will begin over WNBC tomorrow from 5:30 to 6 P. M.

29 April 1962, New York Times, pg. 340 ad:
ROCKLAND VILLAGE "the 6th borough"

23 April 1973, New York Times, pg. 70:
Since arriving on the Lower East Side from London with his parents at the age of 3 months, he (Abe Beame -- ed.) has seldom left New York, except for occasional business trips or a winter vacation in Miami, which is close to being a sixth borough.

14 August 1975, New York Times, letters, pg. 30:
Right across the river in Jersey City, a city so much like Brooklyn or the Bronx that it could pass for a sixth borough, our garbage trucks average twenty tons a day.

21 March 1976, New York Times, pg. 329:
"Like Fort Lee is simply a New York city. It's like the sixth borough now."

17 September 1978, Los Angeles Times, "A View of the Camp David Summit From the Sidewalks of New York" by Jimmy Breslin, pg. F5:
This is the only city in the world that has a foreign policy, and Israel is discussed as if it were the sixth borough of the city.

22 November 1987, New York Times, pg. A22:
"In my mind, the issue of overdevelopment is the most important issue to face Nassau County in its history," he said. "We are slowly but surely turning into a sixth borough of New York City."
(Richard M. Kessel, director of the State Consumer Protection Board -- ed.)

5 Nobvember 1989, Washington Post, "Discovering the Undiscovered Florida" by Mark J. Prendergast, pg. E3:
In southern Florida, sometimes referred to as the sixth borough of New York City, schoolchildren study the Civil War.

14 April 1991, New York Times, pg. BR17:
There are men and women who consider Scarsdale a sixth borough of the city, who think Stuyvesant Town is the Lower East Side.

15 May 1995, New York Times, pg. B4:
Rikers Island is like the city's sixth borough, an island between the Bronx and Queens, populated by the accused and the convicted.

15 February 1998, New York Times, "On the Hudson, a New Skyline," pg. NJ11:
"If things go well," he mused as his car whizzed by cranes, "we'll build multi-thousands of units of residential units and large amounts of commercial real estate, adn this will become the sixth borough."
(Emanuel Stern on Jersey City -- ed.)

The new New Jersey
Manhattan transfer: Meet America's latest financial epicenter.
By Diane Seo
June 26, 2000 | New Jersey -- best known for big hair, Bruce Springsteen and a congested turnpike -- is saddling up for a real outlaw role: corporate looter.
The emergence of "Wall Street West" -- or as some call it, New York's sixth borough -- has put the Big Apple on alert. Manhattan may still be the world's premier financial center, but Jersey City's rapid growth is making everyone from New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to Gov. George Pataki sweat.

28 November 2001, New York Times, "In San Juan, Bloomberg Promises Closer Ties" by Jennifer Steinhauer, pg. D3:
He stopped short of calling Puerto Rico the sixth borough, but Mayor-elect Michael R. Bloomberg today proclaimed his commitment to working closely with its government to meet business and education goals on the island and in New York City, where almost 800,000 Puerto Ricans live.

MacRumors Forums
New York's Sixth Borough?
08-15-2005, 11:10 PM
I live in NYC and when to Philly recently and really thought it was a nice city. But it can't be "New York's Sixth Borough" that belongs to Long Island which has a population of 2.8 Million, not including Queens & Brooklyn. Anyways,
Philly is a cool city.