Showgirl (Show Girl)

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Wikipedia: Showgirl
A showgirl is a female dancer or performer in a stage entertainment show intended to showcase the performer’s physical attributes, typically by way of revealing clothing, toplessness, or nudity.
Showgirls date back to the late 1800s in Parisian music halls and cabarets such as the Moulin Rouge, Le Lido, and the Folies Bergère.[The trafficking of showgirls for the purposes of prostitution was the subject of a salacious novel by the nineteenth-century French author Ludovic Halévy.
The Las Vegas showgirl
The first casino on the Las Vegas Strip to employ dancing girls as a diversion between acts was the El Rancho Vegas in 1941.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
,i>showgirl, n.
A female performer who sings and dances in variety acts, musicals, or similar shows.
?1836   G. Soane Lilian, Show Girl i. ii. 8   The tinsel dress of the poor show girl.
1837   New Sporting Mag. June 409   Young women..with the expression of show-girls at Gyngell’s travelling theatre at Greenwich fair.
1885   Sporting Times 5 Sept. 3/4   It is perfectly heart-breaking to be confronted with nothing less antique than a Gaiety chorister, less hideous than a Drury Lane show girl.
1903   ‘C. E. Merriman’ Lett. from Son xv. 208   Not quite all the modern Venuses have been corralled for the ‘show-girl’ department of musical comedy.