Shitizen (shit + citizen)

“Shitizen” (shit + citizen) is a term for a citizen (a non-elite member of society) who knows shit and/or is treated like shit. “I ain’t drunk and I’m a good s-shitizen— “was cited in print in 1939, but the term “shitizen” became popular in the 2000s with the rise of the Internet. A newspaper called the Citizen has been nicknamed Shitizen since at least 1997.
“Sheeple” (sheep + people) is often used the same way as “shitizen.”
Wiktionary: shitizen
(plural shitizens)
1. (vulgar) Deliberate misspelling of citizen.
Google Books
If Not Victory
By Frank O. Hough
New York, NY: Carrick & Evans, Inc.
Pg. 300:
“I ain’t drunk and I’m a good s-shitizen— “
Google Books
The Atlantic Monthly
Volume 176
Pg. 64:
“I’m an American shitizen. I’m the only one that’s got the right to go in there.”
Google Books
Car and Driver
Volume 33
Pg. 192:
“You can’t do thish to me, I’m a ‘merican shitizen” was what we heard all the way up to the clang of the cell door.
Google Books
Where Songs Do Thunder:
Travels in Traditional Song

By Paddy Tunney
Belfast: Appletree Press
Pg. 51:
... pay me, my countrymen and shitizens of the world! I’m goin’ to blow this horn.
Google Groups: ncf.sigs.teen-writers
Chris Brown
You trust the Shitizen? Eeeww.. and bad movie reviews to boot.
Television Without Pity
By admin | Season 1 | Episode 2 | Aired on 06.04.1998
Ew. I didn’t need to know that Miranda wants to be sheduced by a Shcottish shenior shitizen.
Google Groups: nyc.transit
King Guliani  
we have been saved by the quick actions of our fearless leader….or to put it in his words “no harm will come to the Shitizens of the Shitty of New York”.
Google Groups:
Reminder for Jim
Andrew Yiannides
The posted material WAS NOT ABOUT that which you wish to promote, but about the realities you wish to ignore yourself and to suppress by appointing yourself to the ‘esteemed’ position of ‘censor’; typical of the old USSR and communist states practices where their ‘shitizens’ were kept in the dark.
December 23, 2008
Shitizen Journalism
Prologue: Before reading any further, let the record show that Andy Curran, Associate Professor at The University of Cincinnati, coined the phrase “shitizen journalism” and its derivative, “shitizen journalist”, on Tuesday, December 23, 2008, at approximately 8:05 pm, Eastern Standard Time. This blog post will serve as the official time stamp. Although the term “shitizen” has been used by others, there is no record of it being used as an adjective before the words “journalism” or “journalist.” If you used either phrase before the aforementioned date and time, tough ****. I’m staking a claim to them and I will take full credit for coining them. Now read on for an explanation.
Urban Dictionary
Shitizen (n.) can refer to those people who are officially citizens but treated unjustly by their government as if they are just indentured servants or even slaves.
When this meaning is used, often it is conveyed with compassion or self-mockery.
They say we are citizens, we know we are shitizens.
In our great Celestial Empire, if you are born to be a shitizen, you will be a shitizen here forever. Go abroad, my friend, only the dumbs remain.

by shitizen April 06, 2010
Von Glitschka
DHS once again viewing ALL shitizens as suspects, and will monitor personal email and web traffic.  #PoliceState
8:45 PM - 21 Mar 2013
TheNew Neandertalien
Propaganda spreads anti ethnic Russian racism amongst the UA cattle-shitizens. But the RU mongoloids and muslimoids are as stupid, immoral.
5:55 AM - 11 Feb 2015