Shit-in (“sit-in” for gender-neutral bathrooms)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Wikipedia: Sit-in
A sit-in or sit-down is a form of direct action that involves one or more people occupying an area for a protest, often to promote political, social, or economic change.
SDSU Shit-In
Tuesday, October 21at 9:00am in PDT
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SDSU Hepner Hall
San Diego, California
Trans* Action and Advocacy Student Coalition (TAASC FORCE - SDSU) is having a SHIT-IN! This is an event to raise awareness and advocacy for Gender Neutral/ Gender non segregated bathrooms. We will have toilets outside of Hepner Hall along with resources and information about the necessity for accessible non gender segregated bathrooms as well as a pledge and petition to sign. If you are interested in participating or helping out with this event please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or post a comment. Invite friends and help spread the word! We will have a follow up town hall meeting on October 28 (more info to come) #TransLivesMatter
The Huffington Post
College Students Hold ‘Sh*t-In’ To Advocate For Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
By Leigh Weingus
Posted: 10/30/2014 9:49 am EDT Updated: 10/30/2014 1:59 pm EDT
A group of San Diego State University students hosted a “shit-in” in order to “raise awareness and advocacy for gender neutral/gender non-segregated bathrooms,” according a Facebook page for the event.
The Trans* Action and Advocacy Student Coalition, which organized the Oct. 21 event, challenged participants not use bathrooms marked with “men” or “women” signs for one week. In addition, five toilets were placed outside one of the university’s buildings. Resources and information about gender-neutral bathrooms, as well as a pledge and petition for students to sign, were available.
“The day of the event we passed out 500 flyers by 1:00 pm. 70 people pledged to take the gender-neutral bathroom challenge. Students stopped and inquired, took selfies on the toilets and hashtagged #sdsushitin,” TAASC Force member A.T. Furuya told The Huffington Post.