“Shattered” (1978) (Rolling Stones’ “Big Apple” lyric)

"Shattered" is a song by The Rolling Stones from the album Some Girls (1978). Mick Jagger talks a bit about the "Big Apple" (New York City) in the song.

The "Shattered" lyrics are in the film The Devil's Advocate (1997), where one character says, "Bite the Big Apple."

Wikipedia: Shattered (song)
"Shattered" is a song by The Rolling Stones from their 1978 album Some Girls. The song is a reflection of American lifestyles and life in 1970s-era New York City, but also influences from the English punk rock movement can be heard.

Genius (lyrics)
The Rolling Stones
Produced by Keith Richards & Mick Jagger
Album Some Girls

Friends are so alarming, and my lover's never charming
Life's just a cocktail party on the street
Big Apple, people dressed in plastic bags, directing traffic
(Shadoobie, shattered)
Some kind of fashion
(Shadoobie, shattered)
This town's full of money grabbers (Shadoobie, shattered)
Go ahead, bite the Big Apple, don't mind the maggots, uh-huh (Shadoobie, shattered) (Shadoobie, shattered)

The Rolling Stones- Shattered
Feb 19, 2010
From Some Girls (1978)