Shamparency (sham + transparency)

“Shamparency” (sham + transparency) is a fake transparency—someone is pretending that all is there to see, but that person is actually hiding something. “Transparency, shamparency” was cited in print in January 2013.
Dave Weigel wrote in Slate on March 13, 2013:
“Help me, reader: Coin a neologism to describe fake transparency. I’ve come up with ‘shamparency” and nothing better to describe the way.”
Although Weigel was not the first to use “shamparency,” he helped to popularize the term.
Wikipedia: Dave Weigel
David “Dave” Weigel (born September 26, 1981), is an American journalist, currently working for Slate magazine and MSNBC. Weigel began appearing on MSNBC in 2009, accepting a position as a paid contributor in June 2010. From April through June 2010 he wrote a weblog for The Washington Post website focusing on the conservative and Tea Party movements and the Republican Party’s preparations for the 2010 midterm elections. Weigel resigned from the Post following the leak of several emails he had written on JournoList, a private “independent to left-leaning” listserv, that were critical of prominent conservative figures and the conservative movement.
The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC)
Eight apply for Wake County school board opening but names not released
Submitted by KeungHui on 01/04/2013 - 18:30
Sat, 01/05/2013 - 11:28 — woodstock
Very strange. It is almost like it was orchestrated… but I am sure that is just my paranoia. Just as strange is that there is not a single person at WCPSS who can tell us who they are.
Transparency, shamparency…. who needs it?
Illinois Review
KanCare-Confidential-ctr_t640SPRINGFIELD - Do taxpayers have a right to know how their confiscated tax dollars are being spent by local, municipal, state and federal governments? In theory, no sane official would disagree.
Illinois Review
Transparency, shamparency
6:53 AM - 14 Feb 13
MARCH 13 2013 1:21 PM
Fake Obama Transparency for Everybody
By David Weigel
Help me, reader: Coin a neologism to describe fake transparency. I’ve come up with “shamparency” and nothing better to describe the way Organization for Action kicked off its founding conference in D.C. The new 501(c)3 (a rebrand of Organizing for America, the fitfully successful outgrowth of the 2008 Obama campaign), is supposed to be “non-partisan,” even though its web address is It can take unlimited sums of money from donors, and for $500,000 a donor can get access to a quarterly meeting with the president. All of these tidbits have inspired a chutzpah-laden campaign—chiefly by the American Crossroads network of 501(c)3s and PACs—to mock the president for his hypocrisy and transparency.
New word for the morning - ‘shamparency’ - Fake Obama Transparency for Everybody … via @daveweigel
10:54 PM - 14 Mar 13
SEPT. 13 2013 7:46 PM
This Week in Shameless CYA PR: Koch Edition
By David Weigel
Nice work if you can get it, hurriedly assembling a website in a few days in order to create shamparency.* Left undiscussed on the site is how “trade associations” aren’t usually just coalitions of different and unnamed industries that want to spend money in politics.
*My sort of clumsy portmaneau for “sham transprency”
Tomas Bridle
#shamparency. Word of the day. Maybe the decade. . @Integrilicious @opengovpart
6:19 AM - 14 Sep 13