“Serving humanity simply by showing up”

“Serving humanity simply by showing up” is a catchphrase of conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh has used the line since at least 1993.
Wikipedia: Rush Limbaugh
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III ( /ˈlɪmbɔː/; born January 12, 1951) is an American radio talk show host, political commentator, and an opinion leader for American conservatives, particularly influential among Republican Party leaders. Starting at age 16 Limbaugh worked a series of disc jockey jobs until 1984, when Sacramento radio station KFBK hired him to host a talk show featuring a still-maintained format of political commentary and listener calls. In 1988 Limbaugh began broadcasting his show nationally from radio station WABC in New York, New York. He currently lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, from where he broadcasts the The Rush Limbaugh Show, the highest-rated talk-radio program in the United States.
Google Groups: alt.rush-limbaugh
Nathan Engle
Hmmm. That depends on whether you think Rush is serious when he claims to be performing a service to humanity just by showing up, or that he plays a valuable role as a mouthpiece of the “loyal opposition”.
Google Groups: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC)
From: John Spence

Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 17:29:22 -0800 (PST)
Local: Mon, Nov 6 2006 8:29 pm
Subject: Democrats, have been descending into a mini-panic
RUSH: Ever since I guess mid-afternoon yesterday, last night, the Drive-By Media, Democrats, have been descending into a mini-panic, ladies and gentlemen, because all of a sudden three of four different polls show the Republicans closing and closing fast. I am the only one who is not breathless about this. I knew it was going to happen. I predicted this, first on the 24th of October, and then every day since. Greetings. Great to have you with us. Hope your weekend was cool. We’re here for broadcast excellence, three hours, a big day here at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies, America’s real anchorman, Rush Limbaugh, serving humanity simply by showing up.
Phatmass Phorum
Posted 09 October 2008 - 01:31 AM
Most conservative commentators purposefully boast of their bias though. e.g. Limbaugh serving humanity just by showing up..
Obama Stakes His Presidency on the Policies of George W. Bush
December 16, 2010
RUSH: (...) Great to have you here. El Rushbo, the EIB Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies where we serve humanity simply by showing up.
Google Books
Rush Limbaugh, I Hope He Fails, Bailed Out America
Author: Ndyfreke Nenty
Lincoln, NE: Iuniverse Inc.
Pg. ?:
Rush said, “Serving humanity, simply by showing up.”
Voyages in America with James Robinson
Three hours in hell with Rush Limbaugh
Last updated 11:27 12/03/2012
12.34pm: Coming back from the second ad break Limbaugh tells us that he is “serving humanity, just by showing up”. This is uttered after a break to the tune of T. Rex’s Get It On, which may now be forever ruined for me.