
Entry in progress—B.P.
The Vegetarian Athlete
Types of Vegetarians
Personally, I’m not so fond of all the “labels,” since we all draw our own arbitrary lines which may or may not conform to other people’s definitions. But for the purposes of relating to the rest of the world, here are some common terms vegetarians use to describe their eating habits:
Not-Quite-Vegetarians: The blanket term many people use for those who call themselves “selectarians,” “semi-vegetarians,” “pescatarians,” “pollo-vegetarians,” et cetera. Since birds and fish are still animals, a lot of people argue that those who consume poultry or sea life can’t quite call themselves true vegetarians just yet.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My friend used the term “Selectarian” to describe our diet. It was basically a vegetarian diet with some fish & dairy.
Full Moon Bus C;ub: Forums
Mon Sep 24 2007, 12:30AM
All Kinds of Food, vegan, veggie, selectarian, carnivore, omnivore
Trout Towers
thefoodsnob said…
Oh, gag, I’m so glad it ended up being as I thought, I admit I was a little frightened when I saw the picture!
We are flexitarians (or selectarians) too. Only fish or sometimes chicken for me, the husband and daughter eat about any meat, but they have to get it on the outside.
Great bit of kitsch though, for your coffee table, and it will make visitors really think about you after!
February 19, 2008 7:38 AM
Defining Salad { June 30, 2008 @ 6:59 pm } · { My glamourous life }
This being my tenth day on the road, I decided to take it easy on my poor, overfed body and ordered the salad and baked potato combination for dinner at Bob Evans. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but I’m a “selectarian” and rarely eat meat (usually only at fine establishments like McDonalds or Taco Bell) and only eat eggs when mixed in something (like cakes).
Stirring and Whirring
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Let’s make this clear.. an entry on selectarianism
When people ask what I eat, I tell them I am a vegan.
When I go to restaurants where the only vegan option is salad I will order something that has dairy in it.
The Vegetarian Community
Typical new member post 😊
Nov. 4th, 2008 at 12:59 AM
I ask because my fiance will be eating the meals I am cooking here at home but considers himself, at best, an ‘involuntary selectarian’ (or, as he words it, “If you really want to…so long as it tastes good…” 😛) and would still want to order meat dishes at restaurants or have meat when we visit family for dinner or whatever.  If he goes “too long” on the veggie diet, will he then get sick doing that?
New York (NY) Times
When Chocolate and Chakras Collide
Published: January 26, 2010
Several prominent American yoga teachers like Ana Forrest and Bryan Kest have recently acknowledged eating meat. In an example of how yogis have adopted the language and ideology of foodies, Mr. Kest calls himself a “selectarian,” one who chooses everything he eats.