Security Mom

The name “security mom” was first used by Delaware Senator Joe Biden, cited in print since a least January 28, 2003. Biden had said that since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in Washington and New York City, security was a top issue for women. 
The “security mom” name borrows from the earlier “soccer mom” (a middle class suburban woman)—a demographic that was much-discussed in the 1996 U.S. presidential election. “Soccer moms are security moms now.” said Senator Biden in 2003. Popular usage of “security mom” has declined since the 2004 U.S. presidential election.
Wikipedia; Soccer mom
The phrase soccer mom broadly refers to a middle-class suburban woman who spends a significant amount of her time transporting her school-age children to their sporting events or other activities. Indices of American magazines and newspapers show relatively little usage of the term until a 1995 Denver city council election. It came into widespread use during the 1996 United States presidential election.
Related terms
Security mom

During the 2004 presidential campaign, pundits started talking about the security mom, a successor to 2000’s “soccer mom” and in theory a powerful voting bloc. Security moms were supposed to be concerned primarily with issues such as the war in Iraq, domestic terrorism, and the security of their children.
There is evidence, however, that security moms did not exist in great enough numbers to influence the 2004 election outcome. Democratic women tended to be most interested in healthcare, which Kerry abandoned as a talking point, and may explain Kerry’s trouble garnering their support.
It is unclear why critiques of security mom’s existence did not attract as much media coverage as claims about their existence and influence. One explanation is that the rhetorical construction of “security moms” was an effort to rally support for the war in Iraq and George W. Bush’s reelection.
Word Spy
security mom
n. A woman with children who believes the most important issue of the day is national security, particularly the fight against terrorism.
Earliest Citation:
To date, the American people only know that Saddam Hussein is a brutal dictator who has used weapons of mass destruction against his own people and that he is a man that invaded Kuwait and we expelled him. They are unsure as to whether or not he is an imminent threat; that is, a threat to those security moms, not soccer moms, who are in their living rooms and worried about the health of their children and the safety of their home.
—Joseph Biden, remarks on the Senate floor, Federal News Service, January 28, 2003
Time magazine
How Soccer Moms Became Security Moms
By Joe Klein Monday, Feb. 17, 2003
“When I was out campaigning last fall, this was all women wanted to talk about,” says Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. “Not schools, not prescription drugs. It was ‘What are you doing to protect my kids against terrorists?’ Soccer moms are security moms now.”
New York (NY) Times
THREATS AND RESPONSES: WASHINGTON MEMO; Surreal Time of Waiting Amid the Talk of War
Published: March 7, 2003
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democrat of Delaware, says that ‘‘soccer moms are security moms now.’’
Time magazine
Goodbye, Soccer Mom. Hello, Security Mom
By Karen Tumulty And Viveca Novak;Steve Barnes/Little Rock, Matt Baron/Chicago, Amanda Bower/New York, James Carney/Washington, Rita Healy/Denver, Maggie Sieger/Grand Rapids and Jill Underwood/San Diego Monday, Jun. 02, 2003
Swing voters have always been elusive creatures, changing shape from election to election. The profile and assumptions about them in one contest seldom apply to the next one. This axiom is proving true again with that most-talked-about slice of American political demography: the Soccer Mom. Since 9/11, polls suggest she has morphed into Security Mom—and that development is frightening to Democrats, who have come to count on women to win elections. She used to say she would never allow a gun in her house, but now she feels better if her airline pilot has one. She wanted a nuclear freeze in the 1980s and was a deficit hawk in the 1990s, but she now believes the Pentagon should have whatever it wants. Her civil liberties seem less important than they used to, especially compared with keeping her children safe