Secretary of Death (Secretary of Defense nickname)

The U.S. Secretary of Defense has infrequently been called the “Secretary of Death.” “Ladd decided that the best way to reference the United States’ Secretary of Defense was to call him the ‘Secretary of Death and Destruction’” was cited in 2004.
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., of the Blog, began using “Secretary of Death” in May 2015.
Wikipedia: United States Secretary of Defense
The Secretary of Defense (SecDef) is the leader and chief executive officer of the Department of Defense, an Executive Department of the Government of the United States of America. The Secretary of Defense’s power over the United States military is second only to that of the President. This position corresponds to what is generally known as a Defense Minister in many other countries. The Secretary of Defense is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and is by custom a member of the Cabinet and by law a member of the National Security Council.
Wyoming Network Forums
Posted - 08/24/2004 : 9:41:59 PM
I apologize…I didn’t mean to be so broad. It seems to me that he throws one out right after another. One of my favorites was at a Laramie forum, (where much to everyone’s surprise, all showed up or atleast had a representative but Mrs. Cubin…)Ladd decided that the best way to reference the United States’ Secretary of Defense was to call him the “Secretary of Death and Destruction”.
Tom Jefferson
@StanleyECook Hagel is the CFR’s 18th Secretary of Death
5:47 AM - 16 Nov 2014 Blog
1:40 pm on May 24, 2015
War Approval Day
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The US is running, as usual, both sides of the war in Iraq. The munitions manufacturers are getting rich off both sides, too. But, as Bionic Mosquito notes, the US Secretary of Death is upset by the Iraqi soldiers who decided to take up a different line of work, rather than die for the empire and its satraps. Blog
10:56 am on May 25, 2015
What’s the FBI Stand For?
Michael S. Rozeff
The Federal Bureau of Instigation.
(Original with me, inspired by Lew’s NSA, National Socialist Apparatus, and his U.S. Secretary of Death).