“Say whatever you want about pedophiles, but at least they drive slowly through school zones”

A politically incorrect joke about pedophiles is that “at least they drive slowly through school zones.” “RT from a Facebook friend: ‘you may not like pedophiles, but at least they drive slowly past schools’” was posted on Twitter by Ron “AAlgar” Watt on April 23, 2009. “RT @cantstopwinning ‘pedophiles are bad people but at least they slow down while driving through school zones’” was posted on Twitter on September 21, 2009. Authorship is unknown.
Ron “AAlgar” Watt
RT from a Facebook friend: “you may not like pedophiles, but at least they drive slowly past schools.”
1:09 PM - 23 Apr 2009
𝕸𝖆𝖒𝖆 𝖅
going 2 hell for laughing at: RT @cantstopwinning “pedophiles are bad people but at least they slow down while driving through school zones”
4:34 PM - 21 Sep 2009
Papa Shango™
Say what you will about pedophiles, but at least they slow down when they drive past a school.
11:40 AM - 22 Mar 2010
One good thing about pedophiles….!
submitted August 21, 2011 by Akboater
At least they drive slow in school zones…!
All this uproar about “Pedophiles” being on Reddit lately, but at least… (self.funny)
submitted September 30, 2011 by emtcj
they slow down in school zones
Sorry, trying to lighten the mood
You can say what you like about pedophiles
submitted May 17, 2012 by moist_happening
at least they drive slowly past schools and playgrounds
Say whatever you want about pedophiles…
submitted November 11, 2012 by dirty_paki
..but at least they slow down in school zones…
Google Books
Essential Jokes:
For Ice Breaking Moments

By Patrick Nafzger
Pg. ?:
You can say lots of bad things about pedophiles but at least they drive slowly past schools.
You can say what you want about pedophiles…
submitted April 25, 2013 by coolbeans100
but at least they drive slowly thru school zones
Say all the bad things you want about pedophiles
submitted September 8, 2014 by OGMudChicken
But at least they drive slowly through school zones.
You can say a lot of bad things about pedophiles, but at least they drive slowly near schools.
submitted July 26, 2018 by Amulet_Of_Yendor