Sausage Sandwich

Entry in progress—B.P.
Google Books
The True Story of My Life:
A Sketch

By Hans Christian Andersen
Translated by Mary Howitt
London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
Pp. 37-38:
A few women, who sate near me, consoled me by saying that it was only a play, and nothing to trouble oneself about; and then they gave me a sausage sandwich.
Google Books
Cheveley; Or, The Man of Honour
Volume III, Second Edition

By Baroness Rosina Bulwer Lytton
London: Edward Bull
Pg. 245:
... Major Nonplus was also retained as receiver-general, for his lordship knew, by experience, by experience, that a great deal of unpopularity is often incurred, in going the rounds, by not being able to consume all the stale cake, Cape Madeira, and sausage (!) sandwiches that are set before popular candidates at all the houses; ...
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1851, Household Words (A Weekly Journal Conducted by Charles Dickens), “The Key of the Street,” vol. III, no. 76, pg. 567, col. 2:
Its discussion is postponed still further by the amusement and instruction I derive from watching the performances of the ham and beef shop at the corner of Row Street. Here are crowds of customers, hot and hungry from the Lyceum or Drury Lane, and clamorous for sandwiches. Ham sandwiches, beef sandwiches, German sausage sandwiches — legions of sandwiches are cut and consumed. The cry is “mustard,” and anon the coppers rattle, and payment is tendered and change given.
Google Books
German Life and Manners as Seen in Saxony at the Present Day
Volume 1

By Henry Mayhew
London: William H. Allen & Co.
Pg. 269:
Nevertheless, when such thoughtless dissipation does not extend, on ordinary occasions, beyond a dozen people at the utmost, and the majority of the other male guests at the Klemda balls — such as the shop-boys and the chandler ‘s-shop- keepers — are wont to restrain their appetites, and their expenses, within the frugal bounds of a penny glass of beer and a penny sausage-sandwich, ...
Google Books
5 August 1882, Household Words, pg. 274, col. 2:
Dip the sausages in boiling water, which will enable you to remove the skin, roll in flour, and fry them slowly in a little butter until well done. When cold divide them lengthwise into slices, and again to the size required. Lay the pieces of sausage on thin slices of lightly-buttered brown bread; spread mustard on, cover with another slice of bread-and-butter, and cut the sandwiches into the usual shape.
6 July 1885, New York (NY) Herald, “By the Sad Sea Waves: A Coney Island Bowery,” pg. 2, col. 6:
The din in the vicinity of the Sea Beach Palace is almost deafening, what with sheet iron bands, squeaky barrel organs, and hoarse voiced men urging you to eat sausage sandwiches, ...
5 March 1889, Atlanta (GA) Constitution, “President Harrison; Inauguration Ceremonies,” pg. 1, col. 6:
Indeed, the visitors were not likely to go hungry, for under many of the grand stands, booths had been set up where abundance of sandwiches and fruits could be had, and “no extra prices” as the placards declared. A legend familiar to New Yorkers on some of these stands read “Coney Island sausage sandwiches.”
Google Books
4 November 1893, Judge, pg. 277, col. 1:
(A stand is illustrated selling “HOT FRANKFURTERS.”—ed.)
Stout young lady who waited on “Frankfurt-sausage-sandwich” window, margetville fair, please send address, also where she can be seen when in the city, to one who greatly admired her. Address J. WILSON, box 20, 446 6th ave., New York.