Satan Sandwich

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) called a July 2011 budget deal that he didn’t like “a sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” There had been infrequent previous printed citations for “Satan sandwich,” but Cleaver’s used was a euphemism for something unpalatable.
The term “shit sandwich” has been cited in print since at least the 1960s. The similar term “turd sandwich” was popularized on the “Douche and Turd” episode of the television show South Park that aired on October 27, 2004; the choices in an election were between a “giant douche” and a “turd sandwich.” “Crap sandwich”  became widely used in 2008 when Congressman John Boehner (R-OH) called the proposed $700 billion financial rescue bill by that sandwich name.
Urban Dictionary
Satan Sandwich
A sandwich made by Satan.
The chiefest of hell’s dark delights, it is said that just one bite of it arouses an unspeakable lust of terrific potency.
“Man, this satan sandwich makes me so randy!”
by Gaius Nov 29, 2004
January 16, 2002
Rock and droll
PASADENA, Calif.—Ozzie and Harriet, meet Satan.
Before that move, these freaks actually lived next door to squeaky clean ‘60s crooner Pat Boone! “The best neighbour that we’ve ever had,” said Sharon. “We had Pat Boone on one side and Meatloaf on the other,” added Kelly. Said Ozzy, “It was sort of like a Satan sandwich.”
Gateway Pundit
Leader of Black Socialist Caucus Says Debt Deal Is a “A Sugar-Coated Satan Sandwich” …Update: Sugar-Coated Sandwich Contest
Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, July 31, 2011, 7:10 PM
This sounds like good news…
The leader of the Black Socialist Caucus says the debt deal is a “sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” That must mean it is a much better deal than we had hoped for.
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver is the current leader of the Black Caucus (without black Republican members)
Roll Call reported:
President Barack Obama’s rightward lurch to reach a $3 trillion deficit reduction deal with no guarantee of additional revenues had liberals fuming and Republicans all but declaring victory Sunday afternoon.
With time running out to reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling before Tuesday’s default deadline, Obama moved dramatically in the direction of the GOP, according to Senators and aides in both parties…
…Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said early reports of the new deal appeared to be “a sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” The Missouri Democrat said the CBC hadn’t yet made a formal declaration that the group would oppose it, “but this is a shady bill.”

ABC News—The Note
Meat, Sweet or Debt Deal? The Mystery of the ‘Satan Sandwich’
August 01, 2011 4:16 PM
ABC News’ Sarah Parnass reports:
Yesterday, Representative Emanuel Cleaver used the term “Satan Sandwich” to refer to the debt deal cooked up by House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama (or should we say, Commander in Chef?). This title attracted a lot of media attention, but as it turns out, Rep. Cleaver, D-S.C., was not the first to coin the term.
In a deliciously literal form, a “Sugar-Coated Satan Sandwich” refers to a red velvet variation on the Southern Moon Pie. Made with red devil’s food cake and marshmallow filling, you can find the recipe here.
So who gave rise to the term, “Satan Sandwich?” Is it a song, a sweet, a meaty meal or a debt deal? Some questions aren’t meant to be answered.
Rep. Cleaver Reveals Ingredients Of ‘Satan Sandwich’ And Why His GOP Colleagues Are Not ‘Satan’
by Matt Schneider | 10:42 am, August 3rd, 2011
Democratic Congressman and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus Emanuel Cleaver appeared on Morning Joe and continued talk of how the debt deal was a “Satan Sandwich.” Although since Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski found the description humorous, Cleaver took a light-hearted moment to explain the ingredients of the sandwich, while adding that it will be served with a “demon drink.”