Santa Anna’s Revenge (traveler’s diarrhea or “Montezuma’s revenge”)

“Santa Anna’s revenge” is a term (like “Montezuma’s revenge”) that was used in the 1960s for traveler’s diarrhea—especially after eating Mexican food. “Santa Anna’s revenge” is seldom used today, but it has been applied to a certain extra-hot brand of chili.
Wikipedia: Traveler’s diarrhea
Traveler’s diarrhea (TD) is a stomach and intestinal infection. TD is defined as the passage of unformed stool (one or more by some definitions, three or more by others) while traveling. It may be accompanied by abdominal cramps, nausea, fever, and bloating. Occasionally bloody diarrhea may occur. Most travelers recover within four days with little or no treatment.[3] About 10% of people may have symptoms for a week.  (...)  It has colloquially been known by a number of names, including “Montezuma’s revenge” and “Delhi belly”.
Society and culture
Montezuma’s revenge
(var. Moctezuma’s revenge) is a colloquial term for traveler’s diarrhea contracted in Mexico. The name refers to Moctezuma II (1466–1520), the Tlatoani (ruler) of the Aztec civilization who was overthrown by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés in the early 16th century, thereby bringing large portions of what is now Mexico and Central America under the rule of the Spanish crown.
(Dictionary of American Regional English)
Santa Anna’s revenge n
[Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (c1794-1876) Mexican general and political figure, captured at the Battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836, by Sam Houston]
=Montezuma’s revenge
1967 DARE (Qu. BB19, Joking names for looseness of the bowels) Inf TX28, Santa Anna’s revenge.
1969 DARE FW Addit TX, Santa Anna’s revenge—jocular for loose bowels. Occasional. 
University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business
Got Chili?
The First Annual GSB Chili Cook-Off
Vineeth Subramanyam, ‘07
Issue date: 5/11/06 Section: GSB News
It was a sunny day, but what caused the perspiration was the spicy chili. Entries like “Santa Anna’s Revenge!” and “Oppenheimer’s Chili” did more than just tickle those taste buds. The contest was simple: 14 participants were to cook up their meanest chili for $250 in prize money.
Hottest Chili: Eric Madry & Michael Latham’s “Santa Anna’s Revenge”
Best Overall: Eric Madry & Michael Latham’s “Santa Anna’s Revenge”