Sanctuary Restaurant

A “sanctuary restaurant” is based on the concept of a “sanctuary city.” The website, a joint project of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United and, introduced the movement in January 2017. The member restaurants make a pledge to be free of sexism, racism and xenophobia.
Critics of sanctuary restaurants believe that they are open announcements that the member restaurants are violating U.S. immigration laws.
Sanctuary Restaurants
Sanctuary restaurants have a zero tolerance policy for sexism, racism, and xenophobia. We believe that there is a place at the table for all. Sanctuary Restaurants is a joint project of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United and with participation by dozens of restaurants nationwide. Sanctuary Restaurants offer support and resources to workers, restaurants, and consumers to help create the world we want to see – a world free from hate, discrimination, and harassment.
John Winkler
Are there any sanctuary restaurants? I told IHOP I was just an undocumented diner, but they still made me pay.
11:34 AM - 21 Sep 2011
‘Sanctuary Restaurants’ Movement to Promote Hate-Free Workplaces
Published on January 4, 2017 in News by Marlena Fitzpatrick
New York – A joint project of ROC United and, with participation by COLORS Restaurants and dozens of others around the nation, the Sanctuary Restaurants movement offers support and resources to restaurant workers, employers and consumers impacted by hostile policies and actions, including immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQI people and others.
Sanctuary Restaurants project aims to keep restaurant workers safe in Trump’s America
By Alex Orlov
January 06, 2017
On Friday, several nonprofits launched an initiative called “Sanctuary Restaurants,” formed to protect restaurant workers of all creeds, sexual orientation and immigration status from any policies from the incoming Trump administration which may threaten their wellbeing.
A collaborative project between Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC United) and social justice and Latinx organization, Sanctuary Restaurants is a website that provides resources for restaurant workers, employers and consumers.
January 25, 2017, - 7:03 am
Where NOT To Eat: Is Your Fave Restaurant a “Sanctuary Restaurant”?
By Debbie Schlussel
Today, President Trump is expected to sign several executive orders tightening immigration (which I’ll address in a separate post). In response, restaurants across the country have responded by declaring themselves “sanctuary restaurants,” which will continue to knowingly employ, shield, and otherwise illegally harbor illegal aliens in violation of federal immigration law.
I’d like to see Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–now busy wasting money on expensive gyms and gym memberships–raiding these restaurants and showing them that Trump means business. Signing orders is one thing. Showing declared lawbreakers they won’t get away with enabling the invasion of our borders is another.
Media and Truth
Boycott Sanctuary Restaurants
Posted on January 26, 2017 by bobpobept
Employers that hire Illegal Aliens are CRIMINALS
Restaurants, any employer that hires Illegal Aliens – Undocumented Immigrants are in direct violation of federal immigration laws. American citizens should avoid Sanctuary Restaurants as if they are infected with rattlesnakes.