“Safety is when nothing happens”

“Safety is when nothing happens” is a slogan that began to be used at Lowe’s home improvement stores in 2013. The safety slogan was widely has been widely used by Lowe’s, but has not been trademarked.
“Safety is when nothing happens” has been cited in print since at least 2008.
Lowe’s—Social Responsibility
Safety is When Nothing Happens
Safety is a critical value at Lowe’s, built into everything we do. It’s a commitment to putting our people first and placing their health and well-being ahead of any activity. But the temptation to cut a corner or bypass a safety procedure in order to serve a customer or complete a task faster is always present, so in 2013 we launched a new program – “Safety is When Nothing Happens” – to reinforce just how important safety is for every store employee.
Thread: How Safe Is Safe???
12-14-2008, 03:03 AM
Safety is when nothing happens.
Security is when something happens and there is someone to back you up.
Police are there to notice before hand and keep stuff from happening
topix—Lowes Companies
18 year Lowes employee stops theft, gets fired!
Home Decor Champ
Oct 22, 2013
Your not a lowes hero, u just endangered your co-workers safety….safety is when nothing happens so try to do nothing like me. You might just get promoted to management.
Vapor-Stick Grip Sheet for @Lowes Custom Gloves “Safety Is When Nothing Happens Campaign” #vaporstick pic.twitter.com/O6fU20jkTv
1:06 AM - 20 Jan 2014
Andrew Dean Stein
Safety is when nothing happens. Bracelet to match. Be safe everyone. http://instagram.com/p/oMPZU2g-9R/
3:08 PM - 19 May 2014